Monday, January 9, 2017

Happy Monday!

Howdy Folks!

Hope you all had an awesome holiday break! Here's what I did over the holidays:

Spent Time with Family

The holidays can be stressful, but with a fairly chill family, it ain't so bad!

Maisie and Great-Grandma
That's me, my mom, Mols, Maisie, my twin sisters, and my gramps!
Maisie, chillin' with more fam!
The second generation of Dinhs taking a photo op with grandpa!

Went to a Museum

Growing up, I though museums were SUPER boring, but as I have gotten "older" and "wiser," I have a new-found appreciation for museums, especially art museums ('cause those were the most boring from the eyes of an 8-year-old Mr. Dinh!) Over the break I got a chance to chill with Molly's grandma, Ruthie Newman, at SF MOMA; she's been to a gillion museums and was very knowledgeable on the art pieces we were looking at. It was quite the experience staying at the MOMA from open 'til close, and I would highly suggest you bait and persuade your kids to check it out with you!

Walk and Run

Molly and I have been doing epic walks around the Willow Glen neighborhood with Maisie, and I started to go on runs again! Gotta train for the Santa Cruz Half in April (you folks should check it out! It's a beautiful race!)

Molly giving it a go with Maisie on her back!

Other Stuff

I've also been keeping busy with...
  • A healthy dose of Pokemon Go, because you can never have enough holiday Pikachus!
  • Listening to music; check out Chance the Rapper's album Coloring Book--it's been on constant rotation at my apartment, to the point where Molly is starting to get tired of listening to it over and over and over again! I have an affinity towards this album because the flow of lyrics/rhymes is great, there's NOT MUCH auto-tune, and to me, many of the songs have a gospel sound to it, which is super-fresh! Oh, and any songs that incorporates horns a major plus for me! Give it go folks! Another album that I've been listening to is Childish Gambino's, a.k.a Danny Glover's, Awaken, My Love! If you enjoy 70's funk music, you'll definitely enjoy this album! And I always appreciate artists that step outside of the box and out of their comfort zone! Gambino could've made another rap album, but NOPE! He decided to make one that was inspired by the music his dad would play when Gambino was growing up! It's sort of like me making music inspired by New Wave (my parents, uncles, and aunts were really into that when I was growing up), only I don't have any musical talent!

  • Binge Watching! Since making it to a movie theater is more challenging nowadays for me and Molly, we focused or cinema-viewing energies towards Netflix, Hulu, HBO GO, and Amazon! I really enjoyed CNN's The Eighties because I enjoy time-capsule-y documentaries like that. And I'm always intrigued with culture from the decade that I was born! Good Girls Revolt on Amazon is another good series that I watched over the break; it's about women journalists in the late 60s fighting for equal rights in the newsroom! It's really good and I hope Amazon picks it up for another season! If you want a weird, indie, sci-fi series, check out The OA on Netflix. It's about this woman whose had several near death experiences, and wants to know what's on the other side. Like I said, it's a weird one, but I was captivated enough to see it through 'til the end. Oh, and if you haven't seen Westworld on HBO yet, do yourself a favor: Check it out when the kids have gone to bed!!! It's waaaaay better than the original film that the show took inspiration from! If you want to learn about the history of rap and hip-hop, check out Hip-Hop Evolution on Netflix. The first season takes you to the Bronx in the late 70s where hip-hop was born, and finishes off with West Coast gangsta rap of the mid-late 80s!

That about does it! Oh, if you want to get a daily dose of Maise Jo Dinh to brighten up your day, add me on Facebook; Molly and I set up a photo album that's updated on the daily! Cheers, y'all!