Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday Afternoon Post (October 25, 2019)

Howdy Folks!

Hope you had a good week so far....


We practiced using precise words to describe the characters from the stories that we read, We also used figurative language to describe our characters. On top of this, we tried our hand comparing the characters from the stories we're reading to other characters from other stories, movies, shows, etc.


This week, we worked on leveling up our leads AND our endings of the stories we are writing!

We also leveled up our descriptions of feelings by changing BASIC words into better synonyms, action, and figurative language!


This week we got started on a new math unit and reviewed estimating and the subtraction algorithm. We also had a discussion as to why we have to regroup when subtracting at times!

We also had a math assessment, to review all the concepts we learned for this trimester, and seeing which concepts we might need more practice on. After revising our assessments, we set math goals for the upcoming months!

We worked on Team Projects all of last week and this week, and today, we, as experts, dropped some SERIOUS knowledge on the common cold virus to 2nd and 3rd graders!

...And we practiced the tone ladder in music today!

And that's a wrap Folks! Cheers, and have a good weekend!

Friday, October 18, 2019

Friday Afternoon Post (October 18, 2019)

Howdy Folks!

Let's see what we've been working on this week...


This week we've been using patterns and rectangular arrays to determine if numbers are prime or composite.

We also calculated area by covering rectangles with square-inch tiles and using the dimensions of the rectangles to determine the total number of square units of area. We utilized this practice to develop a rule for calculating the area of rectangles, which is LENGTH x WIDTH = AREA.

On top of that, we practiced working with the rules P = (2 × L) + (2 × W) and P = 2 × (L + W) to find the perimeter of rectangles.


This week we honed our skills of noticing important moments/details of characters that repeat throughout the story. We realized that authors put these details in their stories for a reason. We then take these details and make an inference as to what kind of person the character is (with additional proof from the story as support, of course!)


Our main focus this week was to try an add elaboration that describe actions AND the setting of the story throughout the scenes that we are writing. On top of that, many of us are trying our hand (and doing it reaaaaallllly well) at using figurative language such as similes and personification in our narratives! Boo yeah!

Hope you had an excellent week y'all! Cheers!

Friday, October 11, 2019

Friday Afternoon Post (October 11, 2019)

Howdy Folks!

Let's see what we did this week!

Reader's Workshop

We've continued to focus on noticing the desires/wants of the characters and then inferring their motivation behind that want by referring to the back story ( our inference with textual evidence). We are also noticing the obstacles that these characters face, and infer why they might have dealt with the obstacle(s) they way did.

We've also been noticing contrasts and contradictions in the stories we're reading; that is when a character acts one type of way but then acts a totally different way that is unexpected. We then infer why is the character motivated to act like that.

On top of all of this wonderful learning, we've been referring to our reading learning progression and revising our recorded thoughts in order to level up.

Writer's Workshop

We're continuing to draft our scenes in our story arc, specifically using the strategy of being in the character's shoes, and envisioning the character's next steps in the scene! we've also revised our lead scene by referring to leads of well written stories from authors we know and love! We notice that strong leads have dialogue, a small action, reactions between two characters, and strong elaboration that sets the mood and location (setting)

Today was rap lyrics Friday, and we continued to write our 16 bars to make a rap verse! Today we discussed internal rhyme and figurative language such as personification, metaphors, and similes!


This week we used our understanding of place value to help round numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, and hundred thousand.We also built a picture of one million using real-world situations and classroom resources. The emphasis is, again, on place value, with students describing the relationship between different place values.

On top of that, we generated multiples of numbers and find patterns that can be used to determine if a number is a multiple of another number. We explored the relationship between multiples and factors and find pairs of numbers that have a multiple factor relationship as well!


This week we started to write out our proposals for our team project, and brainstormed rolles for each member on the team!

And we Pokemon Friday today!

Cheers, and have an excellent weekend y'all!