Friday, May 21, 2021

What We've Been Up To!

Howdy Folks! 

Here's what we've been up to this week!


Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character's thoughts, words, or actions).

Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Diana: The Princess of the Amazons.

In the scene where Diana turns the wheel in the entryway to open tartarus, then Mona turns on Diana by unlocking the latches is so betraying and sad. Diana didn't know if she was a real Amazon so she told Mona all about it. Mona said if Diana could turn that wheel to open tartarus it means that she is a real amazon. So Diana and Mona rode on dolphins to get to the island where tartarus was at. Mona distracted the guard by making a sound. As the guard went there Diana spun the wheel. After she spun it she called for Mona but she was missing.  So while she was looking for her and she turned her head back to the door she saw Mona opening the latches to let out all the monsters. 

-Erika Song


 In the story Dianan, princess of the Amazons, it was the next day and Diana just woke up. Monna, underneath the bed, told Diana to skip her studies that she goes to every single day. After that scene Monna and Diana went off to “play”. Stealing and pranking, hiding Monna tried persuading Diana to prove that she’s an amazon. Monna said that Diana should pretend to be sick while she was laying on the floor. Then, Diana’s friend decided to make Diana prove that she’s an amazon by opening the monster door which leads to all the monster's soles.

 If I was in Diana’s shoes I would be frustrated that my own friend is forcing me to do something I’m unsure about! Monna called me a wimp so how could i have not noticed that she's turning me into a horrible person. To further explain, it’s been two days of “Just playing”. What does “playing even mean to Monna? Stealing, pranking and lying? Then what, open the door with a ton of monster soles. Diana feels unsure because in one of the pages DIana asked herself if this is ok or if this is too dangerous. I would feel the same. Do I trust a girl I created with some sand and dirt? NO! She’s not tained well and doesn’t have caring adults to teach Monna what good habits are and what bad habits are. 

-MinhThu Do

In the scene in Diana Princess of the Amazons  Mona turns onto Circe and then she asks if she wants to hear her side of the story and then another Amazon tries to attack Circe.

If i were in Diana's shoes i would be dissupointed. To further explain i would be disappointed because she did all of these fun activities with me like when we did the prank with the glue and i didn’t go to my lessons,so that we could go and play then it turns out that she is Circe!It is disappointing because Circe is a crazy sorceress that says that the queen was jealous of her when she was obviously jealous of the queen .If she wasn't why did she come back to try to convince Diana to be her friend?

-Emmy Loyd-Lofton

In the book, Land Of Stories: The Enchantress Returns, Sleeping Beauty is rushed out of the palace and she has to leave her husband without knowing what is going on. She stops on the stares while being pulled by the soldiers and they tell her "She's back." sleeping Beauty knows exactly what is happening because it was such dark magic and she rushed as soon as she heard that so then she got into a small carriage so Maleficent thinks it's just a normal person. Other soldiers are around fancy carriages so she thinks Sleeping Beauty is in those and in the one that Sleeping Beauty is in the soldiers are not in uniforms and they are riding donkeys. Maleficent strikes all the carriages and Sleeping Beauty is left alone in the woods.

         I infer Sleeping Beauty is very overwhelmed and she is concerned about her husband because remember she had to leave her husband because it was for Sleeping Beauty's "health" I also infer Sleeping Beauty is scared because last time she saw her husband, he was hanging out from their bedroom window (I forgot to include this in my summary.) Sleeping Beauty also knows how powerful and dangerous Maleficent is. Maleficent if one of the baddest villains (Also forgot to include that, but most people should know that.) Sleeping Beauty must be concerned about her, her kingdom, and her family aka husband.

          If I were Sleeping Beauty I would be shaking in the back seat in the carriage because it would be a very terrifying moment because I just saw my husband who pretty much saved my life, hanging from a window on the 3rd floor. I would also be scared because it was late at night and I would be in bed sleeping peacefully instead or rushing down my castle stairs into a dirty, old carriage. I would also feel like i'm going to faint because I might have an interaction with the evil fairy who tried to kill me and my family. 

-Lizzie Nguyen

in this scene in Stargazing Christine, Moon, and Christine's dad are watching basketball and Christine's favorite player gets the ball, but Christine was getting ice cream and Christine gets to the tv just in time for a 3 pointer. Christine and her family goes wild.

 I've been in Christine shoes like where I'm in the bathroom and my favorite player scores a touchdown and it sucks or my fav team gets and interception or scores a field goal in over time and wins. It really hurts my soul when I miss these big plays.

-Mark Olsen


Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.
Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.
Chinese immigrants showed up in san francisco, Ca around 1848.  Why?  They came here because they heard about “gam saan”  which means gold mountain.  They wanted to strike it rich, even though they were illiterate and couldn’t understand english.  They showed up in california because in china they were forced to pay high taxes, and their farmlands were dealing with droughts.  Droughts on farms means no crops, and no crops means farmers won’t make that cash , cash.  That’s why they wanted to go to “gold mountain”. This chinese american told the government that it was not okay to allow white americans to rob and steal from the chinese immigrants.  The americans were hunting down the chinese immigrants and stealing from them after all of there hard work.  They immigrants were very angry that they were doing all of the hard work they are doing.  If chinese americans wanted to mine gold they would have to pay three dollars.  But 3 dollars back then was 104 dollars in todays money which was a lot.  And if they did not find any gold they would just not get there money back from the gold.  The alta california reported that 200 chinese miners had been robbed and 4 had been murdered.  And then the judge in the court said no person of color could testify in court.  White americans back then really just did not want people of color to be alive.  The ca supreme court passed a law that forbade people of color to testify in court, Inclouding chinese americans.  The ca supreme court passed a law saying that all people of color could not testify in court.  There were George hall and two other american miners that murdered a chinese man and got away with it because chinese people could not testify
-Trevon Colmon

The Perspective of Chinese Immigrants During the Gold Rush

In about 1848, Chinese immigrants showed up at San Francisco. They came here because they heard about “Gam Saan” which means Gold Mountain. They wanted to become rich even though they were illiterate and couldn’t understand English. They showed up in CA because in China, they were forced to pay high taxes, and their farmlands were dealing with droughts. Droughts on the farms means no crops, and no crops means farmers wont make money. That’s why they wanted to go to “Gold Mountain”

 One American miner complained that chinamen are getting too plentiful in the U.S. Governor John Bigler suggested stopping the Chinese immigration. A Chinese man sent a letter to Alta California saying that the messages are prejudiced against his people and it is letting the whites hunt them down and rob them. 

Rich gulch was a place where people mined for gold. It was ALSO a place where 200 people were robbed and 4 killed. American miners, such as Alfred Doten, blamed Chinese people for getting robbed. People also made a foreign miners tax. The foreign miner’s tax was paying $3 ($104.5) for the Chinese people which led to more violence.

 The California Supreme Court reversed the conviction of George Hall and two other white men who had murdered a Chinese person. George Hall and his people were proven guilty. The court also extended the California law that African Americans and Native Americans could not testify in court. This made it impossible to prosecute violence against Chinese immigrants.

-E-8 Student


Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.

Have a good weekend y'all!

Friday, May 14, 2021

What We Did This Week...

Man, was it a rough week! Everybody's tired, stressed, anxious, and for sure, grumpy...not only the students but EVERYONE. I'm glad my E-8ers got through this week with their bearings still intact. AND we put in some legit work on top of all the outside noise and clammer! Needless to say, I'm proud of my E-8 homies and you folks should be too!

Social Studies/Writer's Workshop

Writer's Workshop: Narratives

Cheers, y'all!