Sunday, November 27, 2016

Day Before Thanksgiving!

Howdy Folks!

Got some pics from last Wednesday!

Here we are, getting arts & crafts about it, making corn husk dolls!

Even though it was the day before Thanksgiving break, we still had to finish some jobs and projects (Mainly, finishing up our informative posters on various biomes!)

And then we had Pokemon Wednesday!

Cheers, y'all!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Signposts, Keyword Strategy, Info Writing, & Division!

Howdy Folks!

Here's what we've been working on the past couple of days!


We've been reading Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone and noticing signposts throughout the chapters! We take the signpost we've located, explain the signpost (as it pertains to the situation in the book), and then we make an inference or prediction, making sure we have clues/evidence to support our inference!

Writer's Workshop

We've been reading nonfiction texts that deal with subtopics of Pokemon (our main topic), and using the keyword strategy to help us retain/recall information to rehearse and record the info in our own words (paraphrasing), making sure what we write is organized and makes sense!


We've been discussing and practicing strategies to solve various aspects of division!


We're practicing our understanding of notes and scales and applying this through our singing and utilization of instrumentals!

Cheers, y'all!

Team Instinct!
Reading to the class a story about the Unthinkables