Thursday, November 3, 2016

Informative Writing, 4-Digit Numbers Shown Four Ways, Signposts, & Positive Social Behavior

Howdy Folks!

Let's check out what we've been working on for the past couple of days!

Writer's Workshop

  • We've been working on adding more information for our first part/chapter of our Pokemon guidebook!
  • We've been rehearsing our part/chapter so that they can give us a revision question, in which we need to add information to our part/chapter to in order to answer the revision question so that the info is more clear for our audience!
  • We've been practicing the to add more information!
  • We're starting to implement text features into our guidebooks in order to give additional information on the topic!

Helping each other revise our work ignored to add more info!


During math, we've been showing four ways to represent a four-digit number!


We've been totally WINNING when it comes to finding signposts as we're reading, and when making a valid inference (because we always have clues/evidence to support our inference)

Positive Social Behavior

This week, we've been talking about Superflex a character that represnts the life skills of empathy and problem-solving. We've also been discussing The Unthinkables, characters that represent unexpected behaviors, and how we can problem solve in order to rid ourselves of these Unthinkables!

Explaining a few Unthinkables that persuade someone into unexpected behaviors!

Reading out a story that deals with a few Unthinkables!

And that's a wrap folks! Cheers!