Saturday, October 29, 2016

Pokemon Info Writing, Number Lines, and More Inferences!

Howdy Folks!

Let's recap the last few days!

During Writer's Workshop sessions, we've been working on informational writing pertaining to the topic of...Pokemon! We wrote a flash draft during one session, writing, with expertise, all we know about this particular topic! The next session, we decomposed our flash draft into parts and created a tentative table of contents using those parts, understanding that we will be eventually organizing those parts that our guide book makes more sense for the reader! On Friday, we took one of those parts/chapters and expanded it by adding more details/and information that our readers should know about!

During math sessions, we've been focusing our energy towards practicing telling time! We've been using the number line as a tool to solve for  elapsed time (e.g how many minutes was the walk to school),  the start time (e.g. What time we should leave our house if the movie start at 4:20 pm, and it takes us 25 minutes to get there), and the end time (e.g. If we leave the house at 5:06, and it takes us 17 minutes to get to the party, what time will we arrive?). We then utilized the strategies and tools for telling time and multiplication to tackle an assessment dealing with the aforementioned math concepts!

During reading sessions (we've been reading Matilda and HP:The Sorcerer's Stone) we have been honing our reasoning skills to make inferences, and providing textual evidence/clues as a basis for our inference!

Check out the clues; I suppose both characters need to work on their
social behavior!

Giving information on the wand he has in his hand! I wonder what the
core of the is composed of...
And we also had Pokemon Friday!

Cheers, y'all!

Maisie with her new cousin Dony!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Responsibility, Inferences, Telling Time, Main Idea & Details, Flash Draft!

Happy Tuesday Folks!

First thing in the morning, we discussed how sometimes we need to be responsible for ourselves and sacrifice some of our own free time to complete a task or job. Yes, those situations are not fun, but life is riddled with times were we must make sacrifices (such as sacrificing some of our recess to complete an unfinished job), which is a skill in itself that requires a bit of practice.

We then segued into discussing making strong inferences that make sense and give a detailed explanation of our thoughts/ideas! Some of us needed to revise some of our inferences from the previous day, so we made those revisions when we had a free moment!

When we got back to class from Music w/Mr. Volkar, we continued to practice using a variety of terms to describe any time in minutes shown on an analog clock!

You don't realize this, but these students just had an a-ha moment!
They just realized how to figure out how many until the next hour!

During reading today, we focused on using details/clues throughout a non-fiction text to determine the main idea that the writer is trying to get across to us readers! We also boxed any keywords that helped us record the main idea and detail in our own words!

And for those us that didn't get a chance to finish up yesterday, we had to find some free time today to write our flash draft for the informational topic of...Pokemon!

And that's a wrap up folks! Cheers, and have a good one!