Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Revisions, Main Ideas, and Multiplying by Two!

Howdy Folks!

Yesterday for Writer's Workshop, we wrote a small moment that was fun or exciting, and today we had a round of revision (I told the kids that to revise is to improve), focusing on a part in our story and "stretching it out" by adding details bit-by-bit! We even began to type our small moments on Google Drive!

My flash draft (a draft where you write non-stop and don't worry about the details); I quickly wrote a small moment that was exciting! Those parts boxed in read? Those are the parts that I decided to stretch out with a bit more detail!

I added a storyteller's voice by including dialogue and additional details that
show action, senses, and feelings!

Revising via pencil and paper!
Giving an assist!
In Music class today, we talked about the genius of Mozart, practiced a new song Lil Liza Jane using  Solfège, or a system of musical scales!

 For reading we've been taking our strategy of locating clues/details to support our inference, and applied the same strategy to determine the main idea of a non-fiction text!

For math, we've been practicing different methods of representing the twos multiplication facts, whether it be with arrays, pictures, or on the number line! We've also been practicing the doubles strategy for the twos! For example double 15 is 30, so 2 x 15 =20! On top of all of this, we've also been utilizing the C.U.B.E.S strategy to assist us in analyzing and solving word problems!

Using the CUBES strategy to evaluate and analyze those pesky word problems!
 And that's a wrap-up folks! Cheers, and have a good one!