Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day Post (May 29, 2017)

Here are some photos from Friday, folks! Enjoy! And enjoy you Memorial Day too!

Celebrating 'cause it's Friday!

Aaahh! I can't believe it's a three-day weekend!

Folks chillin' on Pokemon Friday

The slime craze is still going strong!

Had to go in on the selfie!

We're off!

Ahhh! Paparazzi!


Holding in a laughter!

Cheers, y'all!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Thursday Afternoon Post (May 25, 2017)

Howdy folks!  There’s what we’ve been doing in class this week:


We’ve been reviewing various math concepts this week such as using the double double strategy to solve multiplication problems dealing with fours! We have also been practicing the operation of subtracting and using different strategies to solve (such as decomposing, using base-10 blocks, or trying out the standard algorithm with regrouping!)

Writer's Workshop 

For Writer’s Workshop this week, we have been honing in our text structures, specifically focusing in on sketches and labels and making sure that our sketches and labels clarify information for the reader! We’ve also been using the keyword strategy to summarize pieces of information that we have read!  


We’ve been reading Charlotte’s Web and honing our skills in making inferences by locating signposts as we’re reading! During reading, we’ve also been practicing our communication skills by getting into our book clubs and discussing the inferences and connections we’ve made as we’re reading! 

What else happened this week? Well, we had Science Lab with Mrs. Seachirst and had a lesson on physical change vs chemical change when dealing with various states of matter!

 And today, we had a chance to hang out with our kinder buddies!

And that's a wrap folks! Cheers, and have an excellent Thursday!