Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sunday Morning Post (March 25, 2018)

Howdy Folks!

Let see what E-8 been up to last week!


We're continuing to read By The Great Horn Spoon, which is a historical fiction piece that uses a narrative to bring Gold Rush facts and info to life! Using this as our main resource, we've been learning about the treacherous travel to get to California during the mid 1800s! We're also using secondary resources to understand the perspective of other folks that headed towards California, during that time, in hopes of striking it rich!


We've finished up our research on lab-grown meats and have enough info and facts to make an honest opinion! Guess what? This upcoming week, we're going to give our opinion in the form of an essay!


We've been practicing using various strategies to compare fractions, specifically focusing in on the strategy of finding common denominators! We also came back to comparing masses, by converting pound into ounces and vice-versa in order to do so!

And that's a wrap-up folks! Cheers, and have a good one!