Monday, August 12, 2019


Hi Folks!

My name is Andrew Dinh, your child's fourth grade teacher, and I hope you all had a great summer! I'm super excited to start the new school year with you all! Just in case you were wondering, here's a little bit about me:

I graduated from San Jose State with a degree in English and Comparative Literatureright after, I came back to SJSU to obtain my teaching credential!

'07 seemed like yesterday!
I have a really awesome family! My wife Molly is also an elementary school teacher, and our daughter, Maisie, just turned 3 in July! Both of our families live in the Bay Area, so we get A LOT of family time in!

Molly, Maisie, and me!

Molly and me at my mom's 60th birthday this summer!

Extended family! Here's Mols and Maisie with my mom Phuong
and my sister Flora!

Here's a bit more about me! I'm a huge fan of....

I love listening to music, and I wished that I picked up an instrument and learned how to play when I was younger. My wife Molly is a superb guitarist though, and enjoys shredding the guitar as Maisie sings and dances! Music festivals and concerts are awesome, and I used to go to a TON of them, but I've noticed that I just can't last as long at these events as I used to, but I guess that comes with getting a wee bit older right?  I love all genres of music, so here's a list of some artists that I complied that you might enjoy:

I enjoy running. A LOT. I've done a gazillion half-marathons, and one marathon. I used to be super into setting Personal Records and being uber-mindful about my running form. Nowadays, I run mainly to stay fit and healthy, whether it's a nice easy jog or a hilly trail run!

Did the Seattle Marathon with the in-laws a few years back...

...And did the marathon training with Team-In-Training. Go Team!
Since running and sneakers go hand in hand, I also happen to be a sneaker aficionado. I love, love, love retro sneakers (e.g. Air Jordan 1s, Adidas Gazelle, etc.) but I'm also a big geek when it comes to modern sneakers, and I'm pretty inquisitive when it comes to new running-shoe tech. If you're in the market for a new pair of running shoes, don't be afraid to ask!

Comics made me fall in love with reading. The type of love where you are told to put the book away during dinner. Needless to say, the comic book genre has played an important role in my life, and I invite you to check out your local comic book store with your child! Comics are a great way to discuss themes, situations, and issues that are relevant to our very own lives!

I don't follow any professional sports other than basketball. I've been watching the NBA since around 5th or 6th grade (Jordan was king back then), and have enjoyed it ever since. It's been a crazy roller coaster over the years with our local NBA team, but I also really enjoy watching and following the other players and teams as well! Can't be a homer you know?

My sister Lucy and I were super excited to go
to a Dubs playoff game this year!


I grew up in the generation of The Fast and the Furious hitting the theaters and Gran Turismo releasing on the Sony Playstation. In high school, all of my friends either owned or were hoping to own a muscle car like a Chevy Camaro or a nimble sport-compact like a Mitsubishi Eclipse. And it was fun to learn how to fix, repair, and modify these cars! Nowadays I'm a-ok driving a slow econobox, but I still keep up to date on the latest automotive news and technologies! It's just fun to be in the know and to nerd out with your fellow car geeks (I'm looking at you Mr. Fennessy!)

Here I am geeking out at a 1st-gen Corvette!

Well I think that about does it. I hope you al are enjoying the last days of summer, and I look forward to this school year starting this Wednesday! Cheers!