Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday Afternoon Post (February 28, 2020)

Howdy Folks!

Let's see what we did this week!


During reader's Workshop, we utilized our keyword strategy to take notes on the topic of climate change

We also continued to work on making inferences, providing proof/evidence, and an explanation as support for our thinking!


We referred to the writer's checklist to revise our persuasive essay. We focused on using the strategy of including examples from our own lives to support our reasons and our thesis. We also emphasized or repeated keywords that would make the reader feel emotions.

We also honed our prompt writing skills, in preparation for next week's WPA!


We reviewed multiplying and dividing fractions! And then we had an assessment on these concepts. We then started a new unit in math, first reviewing rules of comparing fractions, and then applying those rules in our work!

Cheers, y'all! Have an excellent weekend!