Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday Evening Post (March 24, 2017)

Howdy folks,

We got a whole lot of learning accomplished this week, and applied what we learned in various tasks and activities in good ol' E-8!

Writer's Workshop

This week for writers workshop we continue to apply research skills and strategies to our writing! We learned how to utilize a list to clarify a procedure or process!

We also utilize the keyword strategy to close read articles and texts in order to take notes! We then took some of those notes and transformed them into an introductory paragraph, which included a lead sentence that hooks the audience and an ending sentence (conclusion) that'll engage the reader to want to learn more about the topic!

Of course, we are still practicing the skill of revising and editing our work! One strategy that we can use is the cut and revise strategy!


  • We explored visual and numerical patterns and related one of the patterns to square numbers. We were introduced to why square numbers are called by that name and how visualizing the square pattern can help build understanding of multiplication facts involving square numbers! 
And we had to keep the pattern going after this too!

  • We used base-10 ones blocks to build rectangular-based prisms and utilized multiplication in order to figure out the total number of cubes! We discussed the Associative Property and understood that the numbers can be multiplied in any order and still result in the same total amount of blocks.
How rows, How many in each row? How many layers are there?
I told the kids that when they utilized the parentheses in math,
it lets the audience know that those are the numbers
and operation they're solving first (a la PEMDAS)!
  • We solved one- or two-step word problems involving multiplication, extracting information from charts, and the order of operations!

Multiply/divide first, then add/subtract! PEMDAS!

And that's a wrap-up folks! Cheers, and have a good one!

Practicing collaboration skills AND multiplication skills all at once!

Learning about the adaptations and structure of various plants in Science Lab!