Sunday, April 2, 2017

Sunday Morning Edition (April 2, 2017)

Howdy Folks!

So glad testing is over! Aside from the SBAC, we managed to use what was left of our mental energy, and get a little more done in our research projects!

We've been practicing how to organize or notes into a paragraph so that it makes sense for the reader. As we form our paragraphs, we are also revising as we go along or revising after we are done writing her paragraphs. We're remembering that we need to have a lead of the hooks the audience as well as having an ending that'll leave the reader quite impressed! With our leads, we've been trying to use less of "I will tell you about...." And for how our ending we are practicing to pen other endings rather than use "Now you know all about..."

On top of that, we've been working on our typing skills and learning how to utilize features on Google Docs such as bolding a word, utilizing a list, creating a text box, etc.

What's happening this week? Well, we're going to continue to spend the next five days (or so) to transform our notes into paragraphs! And then we'll start rounds of revision and editing!

As for math, we are going to continue multiplication in relation to the concept of area and the order of operations!

And that'll do it folks! Cheers, and have a good one!