Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Wednesday Afternoon Post (August 23, 2017)

Howdy Folks!

We've been doing a bunch of awesome activities and tasks over the past few days!

We've been reading fictional stories such as Fantastic Mr. Fox and Akiak; while reading, we noticed and noted a few signposts, and utilized those signposts to share our inferences/opinions (with evidence/clues from the text as support).

Writer's Workshop
During Writer's Workshop, we've been utilizing the "think of a person" strategy wherein we think of  a person that matters a lot to us, and we quickly jot down small moments that we have had with this person. We then choose one of those small moments and turn it into a full narrative, chock full of dialogue and detail that make the narrative come to life!

We've been working in collaborative groups and practiced representing six-digit numbers in a variety of ways; we've also been practicing saying these six-digit numbers out loud so we can become more fluent.

On Monday, we headed out to view the solar eclipse!

And we listened to a presentation about what goes on in Student Council (so that we can prepare our speeches in order to join student council!)

That about does it folks! Cheers, and have a good one!