Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wednesday Afternoon Post (Aug 30, 2017)

Howdy Folks!

This is what E-8 has been working on during the last few days:


We've been penning body paragraphs that explain how Akiak utilizes life skills to win the Iditarod Race. Since this is an opinion piece, we made sure we had evidence from the text along with a warrant (explanation) to support our opinion!

We've also been practicing the keyword strategy to assist us in research and to write down information in our own words!

We've been utilizing various strategies to come up with small moments in our life that we could write about. We also discussed how the small moments we are writing could be a springboard for ideas concerning realistic fiction!

Turning and Talking in order to share small moments that they've wrote!

We've been practicing using tools such as abacuses and odometers to increase and decrease six-digit numbers by 100,000, 10,000, 1,000, 100, 10, or 1 with an emphasis on this as a multiplicative calculation. We've also been doubling numbers beyond the range of basic number facts as a means to practice the doubles strategies and see how effective the strategy can be!


We also had rounds of PE with Ms. Edgar this week:

As well as a couple rounds of music class with Mr. Volkar:

And we had library with our librarian, Mrs Fowler!

And that's a wrap-up folks! Cheers, and have a good one!