Thursday, October 12, 2017

Thursday Afternoon Post (Oct 12, 2017)


Writer's Workshop
We tried out different endings to wrap up our stories. We learned when to start a new paragraph in our writing! Of course, we also took the WPA, which is a formative assessment that lets us know what we're doing a-ok on, and where we can get extra support in for our writing!

We used our understanding of place value to help round a six-digit number to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, and hundred thousand! We also built a picture of one million using real-world situations and classroom materials. Emphasis is again on place value, and describing the relationship between different place values (which we need more practice in!). Today we generated multiples of numbers and found patterns to see if a number is also a multiple of other factors!

We're continuing on with Wonder, and as we're reading we're noticing and noting signposts. We then utilize or signpost to make inferences and connections in our book clubs!

We're practicing the skill of reading non-fiction texts and extracting information from the text in order to answer comprehensive questions! So basically, we're working on referring back to the text and citing where we got our info from! On top of that, we practiced the skill of making a list to show a process or sequence of steps!

And that's a wrap-up folks! Cheers, and have a good one!