Writer's Workshop/Reading
This week we've been doing research on the topic of toddler development, taking our notes from our research, and transferring them into our first subtopic/body paragraph!
We've also been doing research on various popular sneakers, and using the notes that we took as we researched, created sketches and labels to clarify the information!
On top of that, we've been close to finishing up By The Great Horn Spoon, and as we've been reading we've been taking notes on facts about the gold rush! This time, we utilized the info from the book to explain a series of steps on how to use a rocker to mine for gold!
This week we've been practicing using the standard algorithm and relating it to past strategies such as decomposing! We've also been analyzing word problems dealing with multiplication, and employing our strategies to solve those word problems! One strategy that we've been employing aside from the standard algorithm is the double and halve strategy for multiplication!
And that's a wrap folks! Cheers, and have good one!