Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday Afternoon Post (May 14, 2018)

Howdy Folks!

Here's what we did today!

We had a discussion about allowing our fellow peers the time, respect, and patience to figure out a solution or  answer to a question, whether it's during a whole class discussion or in collaborative groups. We brought up the skill of empathy, and talked about what it would feel like if we heard giggles, laughs, or the answer being whispered, as we were trying to do some deep thinking. We ended the conversation by agreeing that everyone has the right to take their time in solving an answer or coming to conclusion, and it's best in the interest of our E-8 community to encourage that!

Today, we began to formalize our understanding of points, lines, and line segments, and are introduced to rays (half-lines). We learned how to identify points, lines, line segments, and rays; we also learned how to represent them with symbolic notation.It was key in today's lesson to understand the terminology when discussing geometry!

  •  A straight line continues in both directions forever.
  • A line segment has a start point and an end point.
  • A ray is part of line that begins at one point and continues on forever; A ray is named with it's start point written first, followed by another point that the ray goes through.
  • A vertex of a 2-D shape is the exact point where two lines meet.

We've been working on our research skills and gathering info on the topic of toddler development, so that we can learn and then eventually teach this topic to others! Today we focused in on the language development of toddlers and took copious notes!

Science Lab

In Science Lab, we talked about electricity and the flow of electricity in parallel and series circuits! We also discussed what makes good conductors of electricity and good insulators of electricity!

And that's a wrap folks! Cheers, and have a good one!