Monday, November 5, 2018

Monday Evening Post! (November 5, 2018)

Howdy Folks!

Let's see what we did today....

During Reader's Workshop, we practiced being explicit when giving details/evidence from a story, and not mixing up the detail with our own inferences! We then shared our thoughts/inferences, and attempted an explanation that bridges the detail and the inference! We realized that in order to share our thoughts and explain effectively, we need to turn and talk with one another more often, and share what we think about the books we're reading!

JL8 by Yale Stewart
Yes, this is a super hero comic, but it really speaks on social-emotional skills!

We then had a PE with Ms. Edgar, getting a good workout, and trying to complete two laps in under five minutes! Here are some clips that give tips to kids on good running technique!

During Math today, we utilized C.U.B.E.S. to help us be more efficient in solving word problems in collaborative groups!

And that's a wrap y'all! Cheers, and have a good evening!