Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Wednesday Afternoon Post! (Novemebr 7, 2018)

Happy Wednesday Y'all!

Today during Writer's Workshop, we focused on the revising our writing that we plan on publishing in a couple of weeks! Revision is the stage in the writing process where authors review, alter, and change parts of their story (for the better), according to what has been written in the flash/rough draft. Today we revised our work by adding figurative language such as similes and idioms so that our writing becomes more descriptive and engaging for the reader!

During Reader's Workshop today, we practiced reading and understanding non-fiction texts by using the keyword strategy to take notes or to summarize!

We also rounded out the day getting our steps in with Ms. Edgar during PE, checking out books during library time, and working on non-fiction comprehension via Achieve 3000! Hope you all had an awesome Wednesday as well! Cheers, y'all!