Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday Evening Post (September 13, 2019)

Howdy Folks!

Reader's Workshop

This week for Reader's Workshop, we practiced synthesizing the text we're reading and connecting our synthesis with back story, in order to have a deeper understanding of the characters and plots in our books! We're also practicing jotting down important moments for discussion later!

We also practiced using the chunking and paraphrasing strategy to make meaning of lengthy, challenging non-fiction texts!

On top of that we were introduced to the double-entry journal strategy for note-taking. And lets not forget about reading out loud with vigor--We practiced our speech and presentation skills as well!

Writer's Workshop

This week, we've been finishing up the flash drafts of our narratives, and have chosen one story to spend the next month or so going through the revising and editing process!

Speaking of revising, we've been revising the main character of story, by thinking deeply about the inner and outer traits of that character, and how the outer traits connect with the inner traits; we're then going to take these traits and implement them into our story as we are revising!


We've been reviewing the standard algorithm for addition, making sure we understand why we need to regroup!

...And we Science Lab with Mrs. Seachrist for the first time this school year!

We had Pokemon Friday too, of course!

And that about does it folks! Enjoy the weekend!