Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thursday Afternoon Edition (April 27, 2017)

Howdy folks!

This week for math, we've been working on various skills and strategies that involve area! We've been using arrays, rulers, multiplication, the distributive property (a.k.a. decomposing), and setting up equations that involve the order of operations in order to solve for the area of a flat shape or floor plan!

For reading this week, we've been enjoying the story James and the Giant Peach, and honing our skills at making inferences with the story by noticing and noting signposts. We've been really focusing in on explaining our inferences, and how our clues/evidence support the inference that we've made. Essentially, we're trying to make our inferences, as well as our explanations, clear and concise--in order to get our point across to the audience!

For Writer's Workshop this week, we're chugging along and continuing revising/typing our paragraphs for our Animal Research Report! We've been using various strategies for revision, and practicing using linking words/phrases to make our paragraphs more clear, concise, and cohesive!

This week, we also had Science Lab with Mrs. Seachrist, and had an intro to the concept of matter!

And that's a wrap-up folks! Cheers, and have a good one!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Saturday Morning Edition (April 22, 2016)

Howdy Folks!

Here's a quick recap of our Friday!

We had PE with Coach Issac in the morning!

We read and made inferences using Signposts!

We had some time on Friday to read-to-self!

We continued to practice solving for the area of flat shapes!

We had Pokemon Friday during lunch!

We hung out with our kinder buddies near the end of the day!

And that's a wrap up folks! Cheers, and enjoy your weekend!