Monday, September 4, 2017

Monday Morning Post (September 4, 2017)

Howdy Folks!

Here's what we've been working on in class last week:


We've been reviewing the doubling strategies to multiply by four or eight. We used diagrams that show the associative property of multiplication to model the strategy. We also extended the doubles strategies to practice multiplying two-digit factors by four or eight.

Click for a video on the associative property


While practicing our typing skills, we are also working on revising and editing our written work, by reciting what we've written, to ourselves or to a peer. As we read out loud, we might notice that our sentences need refinement or an added detail. Or we might just catch a run-on sentence or a grammatical mistake!

We've also been practicing writing an introductory paragraph, and we're beginning to understand that an introduction requires:

  • A summary of the topic (that we're writing about) that sets the scene for the reader/audience. We use details of what is seen, heard, and set to get the reader acquainted with the topic that we're writing about. 
  • Our thesis that we will be proving in our writing

Another strategy we've been practicing? The keyword strategy, wherein we read a piece of text, and utilize the keywords (word that are important in helping retain info) to recite and then write the information down in our own words! 

During Writer's Workshop, we're continuing to utilize various strategies to pen small moments that have happened in our lives. Additionally were beginning to write realistic fiction based on story ideas that we wish existed. We take these ideas and make them reality by turning them into full-fledged stories!

Because of the heat wave, we spent the latter end of last week staying indoors!

And then we had kinder buddies near the end of the school day on Friday, giving us a chance to get know one another, and begin practicing those social-emotional skills together!

And that's a wrap folks! Cheers, and have a good one!