Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Wednesday Morning Post (Dec 27, 2017)

Howdy Folks!

Here are some pics from a couple of days before the break!

Using partner sentences to add more info to his subtopic!

using a micro story to tell the perspective
of a third class passenger on the Titanic!

Being precise when using a protractor to measure angles!

Collaborating to close-read an article!

Putting in some work before the celebrating!

Passing out treat bags!

Hamming it up!

Ultimate Connect-4 tourney!

Finding the right form for bottle-flipping!

A friendly round of UNO!

Taking a break from the festivities!

Digging those holiday glasses!

Who will win this round of Tenzi?

Hanging out and playing Trouble!

Cheers, and a happy new year to you all!