Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sunday Morning Post (February 4, 2018)

Howdy Folks!

Here's the get down from this past week!

Writer's Workshop

We've been practicing using a graphic organizer to plan and outline our opinion essays! We call this organizer boxes and bullets! In the box is our thesis/claim, while the bullets help us brainstorm reasons and warrants/elaboration.

We've been working on pushing our ideas further in order to elaborate on our reasons! Using linking words and phrases helps us do so!


Our latter half of module 7 had us use various tools, like a number line or pictures, to show our process when adding or subtracting fractions!


We've been using the keyword strategy as well as the sketch and label strategy to clarify and make meaning of the texts and articles we've reading!

And we partook in Bubblefest this past Friday!

Cheers, y'all!