Friday, November 1, 2019

Friday Afternoon Post (Nov 1, 2019)

Howdy Folks!

Let's see what we've been working on this week....


We noticed contrast and contradictions, and asked ourselves: Why would the character be motivated to act like this?
  • A character might act one way on the outside and another way on the inside
  •  A character might act one way in one setting, but act another way in another setting
  • A character might act one way in one relationship, but act another way in a different relationship. 
  • Why is the character motivated to act like this?
We practiced revising and developing our ideas on characters:

The steps to a debate and the main point is that we provide text evidence!


 This week we worked heavily on editing and revising our stories!

We practiced using commas when combining two independent clauses with a conjunction!

We learned when to indent and start a new paragraph!

We also scoured the books we are reading for examples of transitions that show time! We then attempted to utilize transitions in our writing so that it is more clear!

We continued to set goals for each writing lesson so we can put on our energies on completing that goal!


We practiced subtracting across the zeros!

We also practiced collaborating as we revised and corrected our math assessment! When assisted our peers we made sure to...
  1. State the concept/strategy
  2. State the strategy and tool for that concept
  3. Assist in utilizing the strategy and tool, and explain the process if necessary
  4. Stay on task

Cheers, y'all!