Friday, November 22, 2019

Friday Afternoon Post (November 22, 2019)

Howdy Folks!

Let's see what we've been up to this week:


We utilized a comparison model, and we focused on particular keywords such as how many times, or how much more to determine which operation to use. We also used CUBES to analyze the word problems we are solving!


We revised, edited, rehearsed, and read our narratives that we've been working hard on to others!


We started our new reading unit on non-fiction reading! We discussed reading "in the dentist office" sort-of-way, and reading in a "researchers" sort-of-way! We first practiced how to make connections to the non-fiction text by drawing on our prior knowledge and determining what about the topic we might be more interested in learning about...

We then practiced the strategy of previewing the text before actually reading for research. Again we practiced making connections as we scanned the text features and keywords in our texts.

We're practicing reading and comprehending non-fiction texts in order to research for our upcoming Writer's Workshop project! One of the ways we research and take notes is to determine the text structure of the text and how it is organized!

And what happens if parts of the text are challenging; we brainstormed some strategies to assist our understanding of a complicated text!


We've taking our reading non-fiction reading strategies and utilized during science block to take notes and learn more about ecosystems

Peace y'all!

Cheers, y'all!