Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday Afternoon Post (December 6, 2019)

Hi Folks!

Let's see what we did this week....


We took an assessment on the metric system, using the comparison model and CUBES to solve word problems.

Our new unit this week had us reviewing decomposing to multiply (aka, the partial products strategy); we took this strategy and then applied it to two digit by two digit multiplication


In Reader's Workshop, we practiced using context clues and the breaking apart of words to make meaning of technical words we did not understand!

We also tackled hybrid texts, which is a combo of the narrative genre and the expository genre. We made sure to read these books through an expository lens instead of a narrative's lens!


We also continued to practice determining the text structure of our texts so that we could be more efficient in our note taking!


After determining the text structure of the expository texts, we used the keyword strategy to take down important information for our science research projects!

Cheers y'all, and have an awesome weekend!