Friday, February 26, 2021

What We Did This Week....

 Howdy Folks!

This is what we were up to this week.....


1. andy's mistake is that he just put random numbers out.

2. to explain he just did 53 and 25 you cannot divide either of thoe by 6.

3. he was one of because he couldv'e done 54 and 24.

4. you divide 54 into 9 b/c 54/9=6 then you divide 24/6=4.

5. then you add the 9+4=13.

so the answer is fourteen.

-E-8 Student


 andy's hiccup is doing it the hard way , there are so many other easier ways to do this and he choses this way . to further explain andy should have done 6x10=60  and  6x3=18  so 60+18=78 .

-E8 Student


What Andy did wrong is that he should have gotten two numbers that are divisible without a remainder. Andy is trying to split the Pokemon cards between his friends so, if there are remainders, then one of his friends will get extra Pokemon cards and the other friends would be upset. So, Andy wants a number that doesn't have a remainder.
What Andy should have done to get the numbers is look at a multiplication table and figure out what number x6 equals 78. If Andy didn't have a multiplications table, here's how he would figure out what number x6 equals 78-

1. One of the basic multiplication factors for 6 is 6 x 9, 6 x 9 is 54. So, if you go six up from that then you would have 60. that's multiplication factor is 10 x 6.

2. Then, you would keep going like that until you reached 78, so, you would go up to 11 x 6, 12 x 6, and when you get to 13, you should have 78!
3. Then you would switch 13 x 6 into a division problem. The problem in the first place was 78 divided by 6, and since we already know that 13 x 6= 78, the division equation for that is 78 divided by 6= 13!

So, your answer for this problem is 13. Each of Andy's 6 friends will get 13 cards!

-E-8 Student


Social Studies

I think that Indigenous people are kinda mad because the missions took their land and when they went broke they did not return the Indigenous peoples land. I also think that they are mad because maybe the only thing that made them keep working was that they promised to give back their land. Also the indigenous people worked so hard every single day day and night, but if they did not work they would get whipped and murdered and I think that they did not want both. 

          I can infer that the Mexican government kept the Indigenous people because they did not want to do the work so they needed to have people do the work for them. I can also infer that the Mexican government wanted to keep them because maybe he thought that they were already used to it so they would not mind. But the Mexican government did not realize that they were living in misery with the other leader of the mission.

In my opinion I think that I would be really really mad at them for not getting back my land that I worked so hard for and that the only thought that kept me working with getting my land back after they promised. Also in my opinion I would be thinking I got whipped and I had sicknesses for a long time and almost died from them but I worked so hard to kill off the vine virus that's in my body so that I could get my land back.

-E-8 Student


in this moment in history mexico won the war againted spain and promised the california indians theyre land back but then they yoinked it BACK! and gave it to SETTLERS FOR $ that messed up I would be livid.

I infer that the native people were pretty angry to and to further enumerate imagine if someone promised you robux but then said I gave it to you brother thats how the native people feel in that moment of history

if I were in the native peoples shoes I would create a rebelion and fight back with all we got.

-E-8 Student


           In this moment of history, horrible, frightening missions haven’t fell apart and ended but now we have finally see it end when this time, 1821 and yes, Spaniards have been taking over many people but then they became poor and didn’t have much money anymore from that gnarly war weapons and bombs or guns for the war they fought in against people. 

 What’s the government of Mexico going to do? So, the government thought how could I get more money, and so the governor was hardly thinking to maybe buy the mission and get all of the money and make money out of the mission. But isn’t half of the property things supposed to go to the Natives!?

I feel like the Natives people are fierce and angry and they even have to farm and do work still, since that land they’re supposed to get was given to ex-soilders when clearly, half is supposed to be for the Natives. ANd now they have to labor all day because these imposters got the land and used it for ranches and humongous farms! Why, just why do they have to make them do more work!

If I was in the Natives shoes I would give the governor a piece of my mind and shove a shovel in there face because the anger in me would explode from me doing way to much work and usually when i’m angry and stressed from doing to much work I go crazy and it will affect my mental health so bad! 

-E-8 Student


Reader's Workshop

 In this scene Nimona’s master said that he could run some tests on her shapeshifting powers and she got into her emotions really quickly and transformed her arm into an ogre and told him that she will not be doing any tests for anybody. 

          I think that she did that for one to get his attention and two to tell him. I think that she got into her emotions so quickly because mabe when she was little someone captured her and ran tests. She probably does not want to do anymore tests with anybody, even her favorite person.

          I would kinda feel this way because I would not want to do tests in the first place especially  the tests on me and I wasn't doing them. I would do something like Nimona did because I would want to get it in his head that I do not want to be the test but I just want to be free with my powers.

-E-8 Student


In the scene where Claudia was baby sitting the kids Ashley showed up and she was being mean but also she did not want to be close to the kids so maybe she doesn't like kids and she was trying to make Claudia hate kids too. Ashley actually kinda made Claudia dont wanna babysit and Claudia also said that Ashley is grown up so I'm inferring that Ashley somehow isn't actually Claudias friend and she is just trying to use her for art and she is going to take away all her friends and she may even quit.

          I think Claudia kinda feels mad and angry that she was doing a silly game in front of her "Adult" like friend.

          If I were in her shoes I would be very embarrassed cause Claudia wants to be like Ashley but if she plays a game that looks "Childish" then Ashley will think I dont spend time in art then I would get bullied.

-E-8 Student


In the scene, Claudia tells the rest of the BSC that she was going to sit with Ashley and talk about the clay sculpture  but when Kristy heard her say that she got a little annoyed and told Claudia “Oh, okay.”  In a shocked and mad way.  And Claudia got a little mad because Kristy got mad and shocked  just because Claudia wanted to sit with Ashley instead and talk about art.

In the back story, Claudia and Ashley found out that they both liked art, and they both knew about famous artists and art history.  To further enumerate, they both knew about art history, famous artists, and sculpting sculptures so they had a lot in common.  To further emphasize, if Claudia or Ashely said something about art, then Ashley or Claudia would understand what the other is saying instead of saying “I don’t know what you're talking about?”  

If I were in Claudia's shoes I would feel Stressed out because I would like having Ashley around and BSC around too but I would not be able to have only one of them.  To further enumerate, If I were Claudia I would want to be with Ashley and the BSC but I wouldn't be able to have one but not the other.  To further emphasize, Claudia likes being around Ashley and round the rest of the BSC but she couldn't take both because Ashley doesn’t like Babysitting and the BSC doesn't really like art. 

-E-8 Student


 In this scene, Ashley tugged over Claudia so they could talk about how they can make time to sculpt and talk about the art contest. So, Claudia had to tell her friends that she wanted to hang out and eat lunch with Ashley so they could talk.

        I feel like Claudia had a little rage in her and awkwardness when Ashley told Claudia that they had business to talk about the art contest because Claudia had slightly changed her mind and was wanting to make more space for her art and step aside babysitting. CLaudia walked to her friends where they usually sit, and started to get sweaty in a sign of awkwardness or nervousness. To further explain, there are many ways to get sweaty and why you get sweaty. Like exercise, it  can cause sweat and rapidly breathing but Claudia wasn’t running or tired from exercise. Then, you would also get sweaty from getting nervous and afraid of something might happen. Claudia seemed like she was afraid of telling her friends. Claudia isn’t a person who would want to feel guilty and if she might tell her friends they would think that she abandoned the babysitters club and in the backstory, every single day she would sit with the babysitters club table but I don’t think that Claudia ever have not sat at the babysitters club’s table. 

       If I was in Claudia’s shoes I would want to hit Ashley like soo bad. Ashley didn’t need to tell me what I have to do, Ashley doesn’t need to tell me to sit at which and what table to sit at! After the incident where Ashley came over when Claudia was babysitting, a little argument started to make space for Claudia's art and sculpting. I would think about that but then I would slap my food onto the floor and talk fiercely to Ashley.




Gold, silver, copper, and zinc are not true minerals. They are made of only one pure element. Atoms are scattered through the crust, Atoms are the smallest thing, but they have to help concentrate, Concentrate is the most potent, biggest, and most flavorful amount.True minerals are many different elements, but gold and silver are not true minerals because they are made of one pure element. Minerals are things that differ from other rocks.

-E-8 Student


         Gold is pretty expensive, Gold, silver, copper, and zinc are not really minerals because they are made up of only one pure element.  To further explain a mineral is a solid mixture of elements or only one element, like salt and sand.  Next, atoms will start spreading around the crust but need assistance to concentrate.

  1.       We will enter the water, heat from the mantle makes it circulate through the pores (Aka: holes or cracks) in the outer crust.  
  2.       Now, a super-hot liquid will start boiling and bubbling, it will pick up the rare bits of elements.
  3.        When the water cools down and touches the rock farther ahead, it will be newly concentrated, and its contents are released.


Minerals:solid mixture of elements ( or just one element like gold) sand, salt and gold are minerals! Rocks are made up of these minerals.

Element: A element is a substance that cannot be broken down into any other substance, they are only made up of one type of atom

Atoms:The littlest bits that make up everything and everything

Concentrate:The most content biggest most flavorful amount

Mantle:The center of the earth, which is super scorching hot

Circulate: Move around

Pores: wholes or/and cracks

Contents: Everything that is in something 

-E-8 Student


The gold rush passed and  almost everywhere gold was taken but now there are a little gold left now they are so expensive now but in some regions there are a lot of gold.You might ask me why isn’t the gold back? Well out of the book (that I got this information) it  said it takes million even 200years for a little bitty nugget of gold(concentrate) and for a huge revine it can take more than one million years!!!! Let me show you the long process.

First deep bellow you is water and there is magma at the very bottom of our planet and there is the mantle  and as the the water moves trough the pores the water collects rare minerals or atoms.After that the gold goes back to the surface and it goes trough springs  are like  the water at the pores but the pores don't really heat up there is simply just water so the water just is pushed up trough the surface and that  is how it gets in rivers and that’s the process.

Also there is a rock called pyrite it fools gold and It has a difference gold is soft and is easy to break but pyrite isn’t.


concentrate- means a big amount.

expensive -  means costs a lot of cheddar(Money).

magma is basically lava.

surface --  is the   uppermost layer of the planet.

-E-8 Student


Words to know: elements substance of only one type of afom. Atom the littlest bit that makes up everything and anything.Mantle the center of the earth which is really hot. Percaldtets

There are four elements in the crust of the earth gold, silver, copper, and zinc l think if they are concentrated it makes gold seeable.

  1.     When it enter water the heat from the mantle makes it flow through the cracks and pores of the crust of the earth.
  2.  As the really hot fuld it gathers up  Aloms rare elements.
  3.  When the water cools percaldtets it interacts with the rock farther up the crust concentrated and contents are released.
  4. When it released enough you got a vein.

-E-8 Student


Cheer's y'all, and enjoy the weekend!

Friday, February 12, 2021

What We Did....

 Hi Folks!

Here's what we've been up to the past couple of days...

Reader's Workshop

 in the scene in Rollergirl ,Their mom is taking  Ashley and Nicole to a Roller derby game.  and while they are watching the game Nicole is  looking afraid. Nicole is looking afraid because everybody is just Bumping into each other.So it looked violent.

 After that Ashley tells Nicole you can be a baby sometimes. then on the look of her face she looked like she was really hurt by it.

 But in the very beginning of the book, Ashley was at the park  putting on  roller skates.Then two girls  showed up there, a girl said the park was for babies and one of the girls was Nicole who wanted to go to the park .Ashley Nicole were friends but she said that after fifth grade they weren't friends anymore and I'm for that since she was  putting on roller skates and that she wants to be part of a roller derby team that's why Nicole  and Ashley aren't friends anymore.

If i were in  nicole's shoes ,i would be hurt but not that much.But i would support ashley instead of not being friends with her (my inference) .

-E-8 student



Mary Ann is anxious and insecure because she keeps thinking if this would happen or something else for example if Logan is not home but she was shaking her hand so much that means that she is trying to have the confidence to grab the phone. Another reason is once she called him she thought everything was going to go fine but it went the opposite way. She was thinking that he would say yes to join the baby sitters club but when she was about to finish her sentence he interrupted her and said I decided not to join the babysitters club. Back at the B.S.C meeting they were deciding who to call Logan and that was Mary Ann but she didn’t want to call Logan in front of her friends because her friends would laugh at her and she is shy. They arrive at Charlotte's place to babysitters club and they start reading a book and then Stacey says that it is about Mary Ann’s birthday so they planned her birthday surprise a little. And Jessi is an awesome babysitter because she made her sibling go to sleep when he had been crying for days                                   One embarrassing scene was when Logan and Mary Ann were dancing. Mary Ann’s shoe flew off of Mary Ann’s foot and it smacked a teacher in the face.And the whole crowd was looking at Mary Ann which Mary Ann doesn’t like getting the center of attention.   

-E-8 Student


 In the book BSC, they start to get M.A for the dance then dad drops her and her friends off them  Logan gives a flower to M.A. They start to dance then her she flew off her foot and hit a teacher in the face.She go to the bathroom b/c she thinks they will laugh that is why she is in the bathroom.

    M.A is felling up set because she hit a teacher in the face with her shoe if l did that l would be not upset but l would just want my shoe back. To tell you further the bathroom could be some where you could com down.

     If l were in the shoe of M.A the funny thing is she only got one shoe on l would just say sorry to the teacher.To further tell you  l would just go say sorry instead of sitting in the bath room l would not be a scard   of the teacher that is why l would say sorry.

-E-8 Student


 In this scene Mary Ann is getting greedy for the dance with all of the Baby Sitters Club. When she gets there it is so crowded and we know from the backstory she doesn't like big crowds. Then in the gym Logan and Mary Ann start to dance and then her shoe falls off and she feels like the center of attention and she also does not like that.

She feels like the center of attention because not only her shoe flew off but it hit a teacher in the face. When it flew off Mary Ann and Logan just stared at it in like aw it was kinda weird. So then she ran into the bathroom and started to cry, but then she realized that she can’t stay in there forever and that someone would come in to talk to her about it and to boost her confidence.

I would feel kinda like this because if I were just trying to have fun with my “date” and something happens like what happened to Mary Ann then I would feel embarrassed too. I would feel embarrassed  because I was trying to have fun but then my shoe fell off and then if I saw my friends talking I would think that they were laughing at me.

 -E-8 Student


In the scene when they are in school in new kid Mrs.Rawle is having a secret Santa but drew stood up and said a shocking comment when drew said  Something about financial aid for kids that can’t afford the 10$  PURCHASE!

The teacher is Shock After drew said that because he is bringing up poor people that are on financial aid and can’t buy anything. To explain more Like kids that are rich and have like   million dollars and ten bucks isn’t that much but ten dollars for poor people can be a cost for Breakfast lunch and dinner.

 If I was in the teachers shoes I will be shocked that I will send him to detention or if I was a prison worker  to solitary confinement lol.

If I said that I will be so embarrassed because what happened?

 -E-8 Student


In the story “The New Kid”, everyone had a good T .G break (they mostly did skiing or snowboarding) and Drew and Jordan didn’t want to hear and they wanted to go home. Then Mrs. Rawle said that they’re doing “ Secret Santas” but Drew said that people with F.A because they don’t have enough money to participate. 

          When Mrs. Rawle heard what Drew said she SHOOK, and Jordan also shook nervously but the bell rang and Jordan heaved the side of relief. My inference is that Jordan, like Mary Anne from BSC, doesn’t like being the center of attention. To further explain,  when the teacher says, “Financial aid” he looks very nervous b/c he’s black, and mostly blacks have financial aid b/c they're kinda underpaid. So they don’t have enough side money to buy stuff. And when the teacher says F.A, he feels like the center of attention. 

          If I were in Jordan shoes, I would feel kinda nervous. To further explain, I kinda don’t like being the center of attention b/c it kinda makes me nervous. If I was in the center of attention, everyone would be focused on me. So I’d be kinda famous. But there’s obviously a downside. I get nervous and embarrassed when everyone’s attention is on me. So not only everyone’s attention is on me, I also get nervous in the process. So this is why I kinda don’t like being in the center of attention. 

-E-8 Student


in the story, New Kid, Mrs. Rawle is doing a secret Santa, but Drew stood up and asked about the kids that have financial aids, also the ones that can't afford the 10$ purchase.

          Mrs. Rawle was shaken after this comment. Mrs. Rawle had not thought about it. That is why she is acting a little racist. Because she has had these kids in her class for months now and the fact that she can not even remember some kids were here on financial aids is just rude.

          Jorden just stood out of it and I'm inferring that he doesn't like being the center of attention just like me! I feel like it’s awkward because I just don’t like being stared at. On the other hand drew likes to be the center of attention (not to brag) cause he likes to point out how unfair everything is to blacks of colored people.( there lol )

 -E-8 Student


Social Studies

WE CONTROL OUR LIVES! the Spaniards should not be able to control our lives, we must fight for our lives. Do you want to see people barf? No! I didn't think, do you want to be forced to practice a different language? NO! I thought so. We must have freedom or else our lives will suck and we will live in eternal slavery. “I have a dream today” that we will get revenge. WE SHALL BREAK FREE! We need to break free b/c imagine the countryside before the missions and controlling your own lives, yeah i see you smiling, we should REVOLT!

One reason we should revolt is because we are continuously forced to pray, do you want that? NO! I didn’t think so, do you want to not wan to be able to use our language and forced to use this weird idiotic language? NO! Do you want to get whipped if we speak one word of our own language? NO! Do you want to have our culture taken away? NO! So you see, you said it yourself. fight or we shall never have peace nor shall we ever have fun. REVOLT!

Another reason we should revolt is that they are destroying and killing our land. Do you see any cows or deers and animals huh? NO! I expected so, do you see any wild fruits and vegetables growing? NO! Yeah. They are destroying our land, we need to revolt. Just imagine a country side and seeing wild animals roam and seeing wild crops grow. Yeah i have eyes I see you smiling and looking happy we shall REVOLT!

We should also revolt because they are killing us by this weird “curse” also known as smallpox. Don’t you feel like you're “dazed and confused for so long it’s not true.” also don’t you feel like you're “so sick and tired and i was going in pain” Do you want to have high fevers and feel like blowing up like a volcano? NO! Sorry what was that NO! Good, I need to say more. Do you want to be super tired to your already aching body from working all day? NO! Huh oh yeah did you hear yourself? YES! I know, now do you want to have headaches and practically having to sit down even when you can’t huh? NO! We need to REVOLT MY PEOPLE!'

My people, do you see your marks on your arms and backs? Yes! Do you know what that is from, whipping do you want to get whipped? NO! Mm mm good answer, now do you want to get whipped if we just want to step outside for 30 seconds? NO! Good enthusiasm! Do you want to get whipped for accidentally dropping a spoon for crying out loud? No what was that? NO! Good, now my people do you want to get whipped for sitting down for a minute? NO! Mm mm oh really good answer and now my people you said it yourself REVOLT!

So my people you see what these weird outsiders are doing to us, they are continually working us. They are whipping us if we make a tiny mistake, what the flip. They are also forcing us to pray, can’t they say that we don’t want to. They're idiots. They don’t know how to tell what berries are poison or not. They’re complete idiots. We need to revolt! Join me in the chant! RE-VOLT! RE-VOLT! RE-VOLT!

-E-8 Student


“GO TO WORK” is all they say, my people, do you enjoy working from sunrise to sundown? Never! That's right! ... Do you enjoy not seeing your loved ones for multiple years?... No! I thought so… Just look at your backs, do you see all those marks from getting whipped by the smallest things? Right now is the time to revolt and fight back we won’t stop until we get freedom and rights as humans.

“The outsiders curse” (smallpox)

“What is killing my people”? How come such a quantity is dying you ask, Well it is the outsider curse, they have been killing us and it has to stop! We must stop this outrageous disease right now or never. This is smallpox the symptoms may not be seen but they are: high fever, fatigue and headaches, after 2-3 day it won’t look good, a flat red rash might appear, do you think we should be going through this, we all ready work for people but now we have to get sick and loose more people. It will start in one spot but by the end of the day it will be everywhere on your body and everyday when one of those bubbles pop that liquid oozes out! Nobody wants that anymore. We must find a cure or medication or we all go extinct '' If we revolt we could gp free so we could study and try to find a cure, none of us will be dying, we would get the right to show our kids how the world looks like, it is not their right to put us to work unless they would go to work too.

No more religion and tradition

“ We can’t take this anymore, anytime we do anything that has to do with our religion we Mget whipped and some of us even die, this can’t go on another day, We are made to pray for another culture, do you think that is acceptable?” “NO”... Our kids never got to experience their home religion because they were never allowed to do or see it unless it is the European way. Everybody gets so annoyed it feels like there is a volcano erupting in your body! This must stop. We need to fight back. They went too far and it is the writing time to earn our human rights back.”

Whip and abuse

“OUCH OOH! That is the cry we hear everyday when we do the smallest offensives like dropping your spoon or even accidentally calling somebody their original name. People get whipped many times a day, it is out of hand. Seeing your loved ones get hurt and murdered is very bad for your mental health and that is how we get stressed in these times.” “ Imagine being a kid watching your parents or best friend get whipped or die. REVOLT REVOLT I hear you, this is the enthusiasm I want, keep on going this is gonna be the protest of our lives

They are taking our land away!

“Where is our land you ask, you are right! They are destroying it as we speak, it is our property and our right to keep it. Where are the deer? They got these no brained cows to replace them. This is one of the last reasons we should revolt but if this doesn’t work we won’t give up and it won’t look pretty. I know that if we try hard we will get our land back and let us free. I think this will work. We will keep fighting back”.

I believe that if we fight hard as a team we will get what we want. We will have our human freedom and nobody will stop us. As long as we try our hardest I know we will succeed. REVOLT REVOLT!!!

-E-8 Student



Problem: A chain is 8 & 5/12 feet long. It is joined to another chain so the total length is 10 & 9/12 feet. How long is the extra piece of chain?

  1. First, I need to put together my equation so I could figure out the total length of the extension chain, that is going to be the 2 fractions that are mentioned in the word problem.  To figure out the length of something I need to either put together a equation with an empty spot like this: 8 & 1/12 + _______ = 10 & 9/12 or what I am going to do, 

            10 & 9/12 - 8 & 1/12. 

  1. Next I need to subtract 10 & 9/12 - 8 & 1/12.  How we do that is by subtracting the whole numbers first, a whole number is the number in front of the actual fraction which tells us how many real holes there are in the fraction.  10 - 8 = 2 wholes.
  2. Now I need to subtract the actual fraction. 9/12 - 1/12 = ? I should subtract the numerator, a numerator is top of a fraction which tells you how much is in the fraction.  The equation is 9 - 1 = 8.  When you put it into the fraction it will be 8/12.  
  3. I now need to put the denominator under the numerator.  A denominator goes on the bottom of the fraction and tells how much is in the whole.  You never change the denominator unless you have a LCM but that is for another time.  
  4. Now we need to put the answer together.  Our whole number is 2 and the fraction is  8/12.  The total answer is 2 & 8/12 
  5. This is optional but I am going to simplified it, that is when you divide the number further to get a smaller fraction.  When I simplifie it I get a total of 2 & ⅔ and that is my final answer.

The total fraction with simplifying is 2 & ⅔ without simplifying is 2 & 8/12

-E-8 Student


  1. When you subtract fractions, you only subtract the numerator (at the top) and not the denominator (at the bottom). The denominator tells you how many parts one whole is divided into. The numerator tells you how many of these parts you have, so if you take some parts away, only the numerator changes. In this case, they had a chain that’s 8 feet and 5/12 foot, aka 5 inches.
  2. Since they added a length to the original length 8 5/12 and got 10 9/12, we will do opposite operation subtraction. Let's do the fraction part first. Subtract 5/12 from 9/12. Just do it like regular subtraction but don’t subtract the denominator. That would be 4/12 and this is the partial answer!
  3. Now we know the fraction part, we will do the whole number part. Remember that in a mixed number there are 2 parts. Ok now let's get back. 10-8=2. We put the 2 parts together to get the final answer. We first worked out that we had 4/12 as the fractional part, and we got 2 wholes. Then just put it together, 2 whole feet and 4/12 a foot!
  4. It would be 2 4/12 feet!

-E-8 Student


  The answer to this problem is 2 4/12. I did subtracting for this question because it’s easier to me compared to adding for this question and fractions in general.

  1. First thing I did was do 10 wholes-8 wholes. I know to subtract because I can also add so you just do a switch. The whole number is how many 12/12 you do. This is just like doing 10-8. So we know that it's two because it's just as simple as doing 10-8.

  1. The second thing we do is do 9/12-5/12. You don’t subtract the denominator. The denominator is the one on the bottom and it shows how many go into one whole. So it's like doing 9-5 and that is 4. 


  1. The last thing we do is add those two fractions together. So we add 2 wholes and 4/12. That is 2 4/12. This is how we got our answer. You can also do this adding, but I think it's easier subtracting.

-E-8 Student

Cheers, and have a nice break y'all!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

What We've Been Up To Today!

Here's what we've been up to today....

Reader's Workshop

Mary Ann is really nervous because she is talking to her dad and she feels like it is going to be a bid flat out no but she was excited with him because he gave her cash and a yes to go with Logan. 

She is also  so excited because she gets to be herself in the mall with her friends and pick an outfit for the dance and they all help with the pick of it.

I think that she is happy with the club because they are going to miss a club meeting for her to give her some pointers for on the dance floor and with Logan.

-E-8 Student


In the scene where MA was worried at the lunch table and Kristy spoke up and gave her a suggestion, my thoughts were I was feeling surprised because Kristy doesn’t like to talk about fashion so I'm surprised that Kristy spoke up like that. If i were in MA shoes i would also be surprised b/c kristy doesn’t normally talk about fashion so i would also be surprised that kristy spoke up if i were in MA shoes.

-E-8 Student



In the scene, Mary An was thinking of the dance that Logan asked Mary An to and messed up on her knitting because she kept on thinking, thinking, thinking and thinking so much that she messed up on her knitting and let her anxiety get to her. She was thinking, what if I mess up again and not actually talk, or maybe what if we don't talk for the whole entire 5 hours!

Mary An is feeling like this because she doesn't know what's going to happen at the dance and she picked a fantastic outfit but she still is very unsure and unsecure because I don't think that Mary An ever been to a dance before especially if she has someone to go with. For example, Logan. To further explain, Mary An is a type of person that, you know she's shy and quiet, she's a person who would keep to herself and not go to crazy, huge, party's just like the one Mary An is going to.

         If I was in Mary An's shoes my heart would be beating the fast as ever because if I never ever been in a party before of ever danced in a party I would freak out but of course I would be exited and say yippee! From my own experience, I usually stay home like most people because of the ronna, but I would love to go to a fantastic, musical, crazy looking party! First I do love dancing and going to dark, rainbow lights party's with streamers and lots of people with it isn't ronna.

-E-8 student


Writer's Workshop

Do you want to be treated like this anymore? “ NO” I thought so . Then why don't we fight back ? We have been treated  like this for a long time. Let's fight back and get our life back . This is why we must revolt and get back freedom.Power to the people no more controlling us.

          For example do you want to risk getting smallpox .”NO”Then why don’t we just go and fight .If we got smallpox then we will risk dying and we would wonder what end if we didn’t fight back we can’t be scared we have to do it or we may not ever see the life that we used to have again.Look at yourself don’t you see all of those scars ? Look at our poor children, they have never got to experience what we got to be for the missions we got us. What about our religion ?We can’t even practice that .Who gave us this horrible disease? “MISSIONS”So why are we here?( silence) exactly we are here for no good reason the only reason we are here  is they took all of the natural resources that we used before so that we had no choice but to come here so that we could live like this.And  that is just not ok. It would be risky but we could do it if we try and try and we won’t stop trying until we succeed and get back our freedom from the missions .

            One reason we should revolt is because we haven't gone hunting in years most if us probably forgot how to and what about the generation that was born here they have never been able to do the things that we did and they might never be able to so if we want to live our lives then we need to fight back and gain back freedom for ourselves .Do you want that for your children “NO “ that is what i thought.

       Another reason is i don’t know about you but i am sick and tired of following this schedule every single day of the week.And look at your back do you want to get whipped for dropping a spoon? I don’t know about you but I don't want to , do you?”NOPE”Exactly so why are we still here? “ NO GOOD REASON”.

        The next reason is that they want us to pray 3 times a day. I mean they mean well but I think that once a day is good enough,but do we have a say on what we do on a day to day basis? “No Why ? “MISSIONS”So what should we do about it “GET BACK OUR FREEDOM”

            Do you want to be treated like this anymore? “NO”Do you want to get smallpox? “NO”We have to go back to living how we did .Our children are suffering they don't know how things were before the missions and they never will if we don’t fight back .So what are we going to do ? “FIGHT BACK AND GET BACK FREEDOM FROM THE MISSIONS” Let's go get back our freedom!

-E-8 Student



The answer to 1.B is 2 holes

  1. I subtracted the holes of 3 and  1 and got the sum of 2 because well it is like  common knowledge really.
  2. Then I subtracted again but this time with the numbers of 1\2 and 1\2 and got 0\2 and
  3. I then added the 2 and 0\2 and a hole number of 2 because if there are only 0\2 in the equation there is nothing to add up for the sum so it is one hole.

The answer is: 1  1/2 

-E-8 Student


1. The word problem, " A bucket holds 3  1/2 gallons of water. 1  1/2 gallons is used for watering lettuce and 1 1/2 gallon is poured on carrets. How much water is left?" Ok, we see the numbers and fractions 3  1/2, 1  1/2 ,and 1  1/2 and we need to try and find I nice looking key word to help us make this equation because just imagine only numbers in a equation and no symbols or signs to guide us and subtract or add. To further explain, when you write out a equation there's always a symbol or sign so you would know to subtract, add, multiply, or divide. I see, in the word problem it says, used and poured which defines as subtracting, like water, or fruits and blocks. I took out my main fraction, 3  1/2 and saw the numbers 1  1/2 which was in the sentence with one of the key words, used and I also saw the numbers 1/2 which was in the sentence with the word poured. Now I know to subtract those two fractions from my main number, 3  1/2 because those two numbers have our key words. For examples, poured and used or, maybe take away, count up, and times.

2. Our numbers to subtract 3  1/2 are a little difficult to subtract from 3  1/2 because there are two numbers to subtract from. So, let's bring in some addition into this equation. Let's add up our fantastic numbers, 1  1/2 and 1/2 because it's way easier and doesn't take that much work to do. For example, I have to subtract 10-4-3.  And there's three numbers to subtract from so, would it be way easier if you only had to subtract from only two numbers? Yup why not. So then just add 4+3 and you'll have the answer to that and use the number to subtract from you're remanding number, 10 of course! We'll do that to our fractions now, 1/2+1  1/2.  1/2+1  1/2=1  2/2

3. And finally, only two numbers to subtract from, 3  1/2 and the number that we added up from., 1  2/2.  Now there's a problem here, add up the two whole numbers, 3 and 1=4 then there we have the numerator to add which makes problems because of course ya can't subtract 1/2 from 2/2 so it's regrouping time! ( singing tone) I sliced up or regrouped 3 into 1,1 and the last 1 which makes the three a whole three then I'll just make it into 2/2 which's the same thing as 1 whole. Now 3 is now a 2 because we regrouped, and now 1/2 is now the powerful,... 3/2! To further explain, I basically just added one of the 3's wholes which was magically turned into 2/2 which's the same thing as a whole was regrouped into the numerator which is now 3/2. 1/2+2/2=3/2. We now put the whole number and the fraction together, 2  3/2. 

4. I made equation, 2  3/2-1  2/2.  2  3/2-1  2/2=1  1/2 

-E-8 Student


Have a good y'all!