Monday, February 8, 2021

What We Were Up To Today!

Hey Folks!

This is what we've been up to today...

 on the weekend we did so much .

  on sunday we did a lot of games let me tell you about it . on sunday the first game we played was before the super bowl , the game we played was cro-ca . cro-ca is a really fun game where you have a mallet tipe thing , and you swing it at balls then you have to get it through hoop things . anyway it was really fun and ***** won . then the second game we played was settlers of catan that was during the game ( it is a board game ) . you play settlers of catan by rolling dice getting recourses and building stuff to get points , when you have 10 points you won . the last game we played was at the very end of the super bowl , the last game we played was poker . to further explain in poker you have to gather tokens and when you have all the tokens and when someone has no tokens they are out .

-E-8 student


What i did over the weekend i did a lot but it was also fun if you want to find out why then keep on reading .

         Lets start with Saturday .I woke up and it was so cold so i went to the other room and went back to sleep.Then i went to my grandparent's room we talked and then i went down stairs and maid a smoothie .It was supper good and i drank it all up .Then it as time to go to PANDORA to pick up a ring for my cousin because it was her BIRTHDAY she is supper cool and she turned 16 .I also have a matching one but it is rose gold ( my favorit color ) and hers was sillver .Then we got mexican food it was so good .There was like this pina colada thing and it was so good.After that we went to our bakery and we got 2 cupcakes a apple pie one and i funfetie one.After that we were headed to my cousins house .When we got there she oppend gifts and then she changed because she was still in her pj's. While she changed i played video games and the controller had like i don't even now but say you were on a rocky cliff or a sand storm it would like vibrate .There was like a hights thing and and i fell because i am afraid pf hights even in a video game.You should have seen TRY my put the star on the christmas tree .Any hoo after that we drove in her car and got boba's for ever one .She is a prety good driver for a 16 year old.When we got home we drank our drinks and i got like an orange thing it was so good.Then we sadly left.

           Next Sunday .All i did was i tried to get ***** to watch the puppy bowl but he didn't want to he was only interested in his toy .we also had nice food it was supper good and it was all ***** wanted there was even cats on the TV for goodness sake but all he wanted was a caret so my mom gave him a carret so he was happy.Then the saddes't thing happend .When my mom went to pet ***** he barked and bit her .Then we noticed that his right hip was like puffy and i got scared.when ever you triyto touch it he will bite you . Well lets bring some good news ...we are giving ***** puppy party his real birthday is on a Monday so the party is gonna be on a Saturday .There will be a puppy balloon and there will be dog and human food.

   So that is what i did over the weekend it was boring on Sunday but Saturday was pretty  cool.

-E-8 student


Woke up to stretch my arms and legs while I rubbed my eyes and plopped back onto my bed with a sigh, then slightly closed my eyes. Ding! I quickly sat up and checked the time, hoping that I didn’t oversleep.

        Click, vroom vroom,skert, ding dong!, creek, “ Hey let’s make curly flowers!” I said tugging both of my cousin’s excitedly. I danced in the hallway knowing that my room was a huge mess. While spinning very dangerous scissors on my finger I held a whole box of crayons and placed them onto the soft carpet in my room near my chair that was pulled into my desk. My younger cousin was a total master at making curly flowers well, because it’s very simple and she made them up at her own house .So she explained very thoroughly,  get a piece of paper, any color  and roll it up till it reaches the end of the paper and looks like a tube where you can put your finger through it. Then reach to get a pear of scissors and cut small circle pieces and take the middle of the swirl and pull it high up and there you have a beautiful curly noodle, flower, swirl or you can call it a hair clip.

-E-8 student


On the weekend I had a lot of fun and I did something that I wanted to do all of corona…

See *****

On Saturday I saw ***** because her mom had a doctor's appointment. So when she was here we first did painting protects, which were spin art and a Valentines one. Then we went inside (with masks) and played with my toys like shopkins, calico critters, and magic clips and it was so much fun. After we did that we went on the lawn and played badminton until her mom came. When her mom came in the backyard with CHICK FIL A and LEMONADE, I haven’t had chick fil a since summer and I missed it so much and ***** of course. When we finished we went back inside and played more while the parents and my sister talked. We played songs on Alexa, played monopoly, and played magic clips. It was the best play date I could imagine during corona times. 

-E-8 student


So ho was your weekend welll this is my weekend and I really think the sun was fantastic.

Ok I think this was awsome to have sun beacuse you may not belive me cause I told no one but my cousin's but i went to tahoe two week's ago butI wont explain it cause it was two week's ago but this was a random sub topic on to the real one's.

ok this weekend I played a lot with my sibling's mainly my sister we like to play video games out side game's to further explane like in side we like to play video games one of are favorite's are roblox but we played like funny small game's this time and i forgot what we did outside but my family where't the only people I played with I played my frein's to we mainly talked about thing's and that's maily did and this whole time I eather had the door open to get that elagent sun.

but i also went to my grandma's house we went earlyer then normale beacuse my dad and my grampa wanted to watch the super bowl the reason is they love foot ball to further explane when ever we go to our gramparent's house they watch foot ball they don't love it o much that would rather watch it then do any thing else but I hate well hate is a strong word I dislike how hafe the time we only watch foot ball at lest during dinner and after dinner there is no football.

-E-8 student


Who are we we are people so why are we treated diffrent we should fight back for are lives whos with me  this place is bad for us let you tell you. Not all of us know how to read and l think it is good to read they teach nothing but thing they need from us. Are chilldren should not have to deal with this some are born here why do we let them fell the pain the pain of having to be here like us they should not be here they have not got to learn the thing you need to do in the wild they have not been free we were free once they were not.  We do get food but it is nasty but what can eat then they should give us diffrent foods . There are sickness that we can get will kill us they have kill most of us l don't want small pocks do no you don't  here are some signs that tell you you have it  l will tell you one of the sign  is  high fever how do l know this because  l have been in the rooms with people who had it . We  have to practice are  tradition secret so we do not get wipt we revolted once in 1781 we can do it again they taught us how to make thing let use it to fight. They work us hard and bet make us pray and  l don't think god wipt people do you no he did not whip people us so who with me lets  fight.

         I don't want to be here any  more then you do you see are people have the time of there live no they are not do you see wild  animals out there no you don't the only see farm animals the land is being taken up by the animals the farm animals not the wild animals. Are we getting paid for are hard work no we are not we work and eat all day long no time for fun eat the same thing every day who wants to live like this not me that is what l should hear say it with me " not me not me not me." So who with me lets fight back!!!!!!!

-E-8 student


WE CONTROL OUR LIVES! the Spaniards should not be able to control our lives, we must fight for our lives. Do you want to see people barf? No, I didn't think,  do you want to be forced to practice  a different language? NO! I thought so. We must have freedom or else our lives will suck and we will live in eternal slavery. “I have a dream today” that we will get revenge. WE SHALL BREAK FREE! We need to break free b/c imagine the countryside before the missions and controlling your own lives yeah i see you smiling, we should REVOLT.

One reason we should revolt is because we are continuously forced to pray, do you want that? NO! I didn’t think so, do you want to not be able to use our language and forced to do this weird language? NO! Do you want to have our culture taken away? NO! So you see you said it yourself. Fight our we shall never have peace nor shall we ever have fun so REVOLT!

Another reason we should revolt is that they are destroying our land. Do you see any cows or deers and animals huh? NO! I expected so, do you see any wild crops growing? NO! Yeah they are destroying our land we need to revolt. Just imagine a country side and seeing wild animals roam and seeing wild crops grow. I see you smiling and looking happy we shall REVOLT!

-E-8 student


my people today is the day , today is the day we fight back do you remember our lives before these people took it !? do you remember when we used to play and have fun and actually eat tasty foods !!!!???? do you like being whipped !!! do you like seeing people die everyday !?! do you think it is FUN to make soap and work in the fields and pray , all day everyday !!! I SAY WE FIGHT THESE SPANISH PUNKS , AND TAKE BACK THE LAND THAT IS RIGHTFULLY OURS !!! WHO IS WITH MY , LET US OVER THROW THESE PUNKS !!!! however there still are some who like the Spanish and would like to stay in this dump !! then so be it live the rest of your life getting whipped and eating foods like stew !! stay here if you want but you have been warned about these punks !!!!!!

-E-8 student


In this scene, Logan is feeling blank because he is debating over saying that your smile is nice or should he not, he all of a sudden said it and his mind went blank, I think he was panicking trying to explain to himself what happened.  I think he feels like he should not have said that but is also trying to make a better relationship because he wants to have MA know how he feels.  To further explain, he might have a tiny crush on MA and I think MA does have a crush on him too.

        Mary Anne is smiling because she is happy that Logan is trying to get her to have a bigger relationship and that is pretty much what Mary Anne wants, to further explain, at first she mistaken him with the celebrity crush in the comic which means she has a crush on him.  That's gonna make Claudia so annoying to Mary Anne and get her all cringy.

         I felt cringy in this scene to further explain, this the 3rd time they meet and they are already trying to get her to fall in love, If I could I would change this book up so none of this gross romance goes on ever and it will be JUST A FRIENDSHIP.  Also don’t even get me started on how Claudia is going to feel about all this crush stuff.

-E-8 student


In this scene,  Logan is feeling kinda cringy  because he doesn't really know what to say to Mary Anne for example, he's trying to say something nice to her but he kinda makes it like a bit awkward like he said that she has a nice smile but like it's just like words to say at that point it and all he could really come up with was to say that she has a nice smile. And like is feeling very nervous at that point cuz he doesn't want Mary Anne to like dislike him but he can't tell that Mary Anne likes him like it's a lot of mixed feelings right now so on this scene I can infer that they're going to be together later in the book. So when I was reading this I felt like they should really be together and say their feelings because people should never really hold back what they really want and desire and said the parts were a bit cringy but I really ship them together and I hope soon their ship will sail.

-E-8 student


mary anne is thinking that lgan meant that mary anne likes him and he likes her back he thinks this is bad and studders in his words .

  i can infer that logan likes mary anne the way he was protecting his words and studdering when he saw ma's face .

  in this seen i am feeling that logan likes mary anne and that mary anne knows it too . on the other hand i feel like vomiting all over everything .

-E-8 student


          In the scene, where Mary An and Logan were walking home from babysitting and they were both talking about there babysitting job, I feel like Mary An was feeling joyful and delighted when Logan said that he liked the tumbling and leaning part of Mary An accidentally fell on Logan because In the backstory Mary An had already had a crushy crush on Logan and was staring and glaring at Logan last time when they were having lunch and talking about the baby sitters club. And also Mary An thinks Logan looks like a famous actor that she has a poster of in her locker which that she adores, which that means she really likes Logan and also because of the blushing and stummbling on her words while she was talking to Logan.

-E-8 student


          In this specific scene Logan stumbles on some of his words and I think that Logan likes Mary-Anne cause who would just say somebody's smile is pretty for no reason? And if I were in Mary-Anne’s shoes I would feel awkward and also I would be thinking OMG does he ACTUALLY think my smile is pretty? Or did it just come out of his mouth OMG OMG OMG- Plus Mary-Anne had a crush on him so I can feel that just one complement from him means a lot to her. This situation is also awkward because Mary-Anne probably doesn’t want to show that she likes him but it's also hard to keep a straight face without blushing.

          In my opinion I also don’t know what’s the big deal with love stuff and why everybody thinks it’s a “ew” situation. Like when you grow up you won’t find that stuff ew. I also think it’s funny to watch them stumble and also not knowing both of them have the same feeling that they want to be more than just “Friends”. Oh you know what I mean like a couple?

-E-8 Student


Y'all have a good Monday!