Friday, February 5, 2021

What We've Been Up To!

 Howdy Folks,

This is What We've Been Up To This Week on The E-8 LiveStream:

1. First I subtracted 1 from the whole number (3) which gave me a total of 2 (3-1 =2)

2. Next I added the numerator and denominator together so I could get a bigger fraction than 1 & 3/4, I got a total of 2 & 6/8

3. After that I put together the equation: 2 & 8/4 - 1 & 3/4 

4. I subtracted the 2 whole numbers first ( 2-1) and got a total of 1. Then I subtracted the numerators ( 8 - 3) and get a total of 5

5. I kept the denominator the same (4) and the total fraction was 1 & 5/4, I noticed that the numerator was bigger than the denominator so I had to make it a proper fraction.

6. There are 1 fours in 5 so I put 1 as whole number and then there would be 1 remaning so I put 1 over 4 and kept the denominator the same.

7. the answer was 1 & 1/4'

-E-8 Student


1.  First I noticed that I can't subtract 3 fourth's from 1 fourth, so I re-group 1 fourth into 4 4's and if you add the 1 fourth it gets you 5 fourth's.

2.  And i can subtract 3 fourth's from five fourth's so know we have 2 wholes and 1 whole so i subtract 1 whole from 2 wholes and there is 1 whole left.

3.  So since i have my 2 fourth's and one whole the answer is 1 whole and 2 fourth's.

-E-8 Student


1. Look at the equation, the numbers, 3,1,4,1,3 and 4 are in this equation. But wait, there's strange lines and there's three of them. So I wonder what it means. I went back to my memory and see a familiar sign it's called the subtraction sign but I was still wondering what type of lines were underneath the numbers, 1 and 3. Right on the spot, those strange floating numbers are called fractions. F-r-a-c-t-i-o-n-s.  And what you do with fractions are just like any other number! For example, take 4-1=3  and then 4 1/3 - 1  there almost the same but except more numbers to subtract or add up. 

2. Like any other equation,  start with the first number in front. 3  1/4. There's a minus sign smack right in the middle so we know to minus because when there's a tiny bitty line it always means to minus it's called the subtraction sign. And now we have our second number or can I say fraction, 1  3/4. Hand in front, and cover the fraction. Now the only numbers we see are 3 and 1 and the minus sign in between the two numbers. 3-1=2.

3. Now we have the numbers 1/4 and 3/4 and the minus sign in between. I have a numerator and a denominator. Denominator means the lower, down number and you're not supposed to add the numerator or subtract or multiply and divide because you would get a nonsense number that wouldn't make sense at all so this is a number one rule never ever add, subtract, so on. You can definitely tell which ones the numerator now because since the denominator is on the lower down number then of course the numerator is on the higher number above. To further explain, you see there's a line in between the two numbers and one on the top is called the numerator and the number on the other side is called the denominator. Remember them by remembering that the denominator is the down lower number. We can get back to it now, so now what's left for us now is to minus our numbers and just remember to never subtract the denominator so we need to subtract the numerator. 3-1=2  

4. Let's put this equation together now. 3 1/4- 1 3/4= 1 2/4

-E-8 Student


'Mary Anne likes Logan because in the cafeteria scene Mary Anne thought that Logan was Cam Geary her crush. To further explain, she got a crush on Cam Geary but in the cafeteria when she was with her friends she saw a kid that looked like Cam Geary. I think that MA feels annoyed because her friends don’t really know her as a crush girl. She was a shy girl and didn’t talk much. Now she sounds and acts older. Plus now she has a crush on Logan because he looks like Cam Geary! ;)'
-E-8 Student

In the scene when MA and Dawn are walking home I think MA felt awkward because Dawn kept asking questions about MA crush she starts to get red, to further explain, she does not usually have crushes so this is a change which is making MA feel awkward.  Also this might be annoying to MA because she is going through changes about crushes and stuff so the fact that Dawn is bugging her is making her annoyed.

-E-8 Student

In the scene in the book ‘ Logan likes mary anne’ ,Mary anne saw a boy named logan bruno and mistaken him or her celebrity crush cam geary .

 When M.A saw Logan it made me cringe soo much ,which made me remember a time where i mistakened a boy.. For a celeb .THAT WAS EMBARRASSING.To be honest i've never seen M.A so  mesmerized by a boy,Just by that she's getting more mature.I am proud of M.A ,she was VERY shy and VERY timid.When m.a saw Logan i thought it was cam geary too to be honest.

-E-8 Student


'in the story BSC: Mary Anne Like Logan, there was a scene where she went into her new homeroom and she didn't know anybody there. this is a important scene because when something like that happens to you (especially since Marry-Anne is shy) you would feel awkward cause you don't know who to talk to. But luckily dawn just turned up late to the homeroom so Marry-Anne relived.

          I haven't exactly been in this kind of situation but I know what she feels like. Like when we switch grades I don't know who will be in my class and if some of my friends will be in my class either.'

-E-8 Student


'In the story BSC, Logan likes Mary An, there was a  scene where Mary An finally gets to her  home room and she noticed that she didn’t know anyone and none of her friends were not there yet.   

          I feel like Mary An is feeling super nervous and frightened and I bet that her palms were sweating rapidly while the inside of her is running crazy! To further explain, I know that Mary An is a shy person and doesn’t talk to herself she sometimes keeps to herself but she improves and speaks up a little more but I totally know how she feels, it’s the first day of school and once I was in a different class room with really new people and it was like I was in a whole new different world! I was holding a water bottle and guess what was hiding on my hand underneath my water bottle, it was juicy, watery sweat! So a feeling where your nervous, frighten, scared feelings are all common feelings on a brand new fresh start on your first day of school.

         I would put my shoes in Mary An’s shoes and my heart would singing a fast, fast, fast beats and I would exited on one hand but terribly horrified on the other hand. I do suppose I would be shaking a little but I would be alright still.  Mary An and I are sort of different but we would have the same feelings of the first day of school.'

-E-8 Student


'After watching the video, if i were in the Kumeyaay's shoes i would want to escape . I would want to do this so that i can go back to living my life how i did befor . Also i would want to escape because all they make me do is chores and clean .I would be lived and upset, because they took all of what i love away and i would be sad and misurable, because i have to do chores all the time i can't do anything fun like play with my friends and go do whater i want.

It also makes me lucky and greatfull , and that we can do whatever we want now but back then they couldn't do what ever they want.I feel bad because I understand they had to work but not all day .In presant time, at school you work and then you get recces or P.E.For the Kumeyaay they didn't get a P.E. or recces. Even on the weekends they still had to work and that is so sad .

Another thing  it makes me feel is  the spanish are mean because they treated them that way. I think they were jellios because  befor the indeans can do every thing all on there own and do it all by them selfs. So they were jelly that they had to hire people to do it when all they had to do is wake up one day and say " I want to go hunting today or make cloths today ".

Those are some reasons that i think that the life of the Kumayaay was unfair and not write.'

-E-8 Student


'Dude these Spaniards took over the lives of these California Indians. I would be LIVID and just so angry. I will tell you in this writing piece why I would feel this way. It would be very sad to live in this mission. We would have to do work non-stop.

The Kumeyaay people and other tribe people got whipped if they didn't do the work. They wouldn't go to a special room, they would be out in the open in front of everyone to be seen getting whipped. I would be terrified to not do work or speak my own language. They would get kid napped and if they chose to not do work they would get killed. I don't know how and I don't want to know how. They were abused because they would get whipped frequent and they had to sleep in a room with many people. This would mess with mental health if you see whippings every couple days. It would make you depressed to see your friends and people you know getting whipped. Getting kidnapped would also mess with your mental health because you just get swept away and then you do work and work over and over again.'

-E-8 Student 


Wow... I did not realize that indigenous people were treated so vilantly. In the academic reasorce  brain pop it shows and tells me what happened to them and how it happened. I would be really mad and sad if I was at the missions.

I would be sad because I would not be able to go outside of the mission walls. When the missions took the kumaye from there natural habitat they were taking away there culture. To further explain The missions wanted to take there land so that the kumaye people turn to them and they turn them into there army. If they refused to be in the army they would be murdered, hurt and killed publicly.

-E-8 Student 


The indigenous people were treated very badly back then...It makes me really mad. I mean, why did they have the right to treat the indigenous people bad? The indigenous people never did anything to the white Europeans! If I were in the Kumeyaay’s  shoes, then I would be so frustrated! 

....A lot of these things that I have named so far are things that would affect the Kumeyaay's health. Speaking of health, the Kumeyaay slept in a small room crammed with bunkers. There were about 50 people sleeping in there! Guess what? If one of the Kummeyaays got sick, then the rest got sick too. And back then, there was no cure for the small pox, the flue, and other sicknesses. And what makes me really mad is that if one of the indigenous people got sick, then the preest would just say "I'll just buy another one!" that makes me think that the CA indians were something that you could just go buy at Walmart, Target, Costco or any store that we could go to today.

-E-8 Student 
