Tuesday, February 9, 2021

What We Did Today (Tuesday, February 9, 2021)

 Hey Folks!

Today during Writer's Workshop, we worked on revising our persuasive speeches, by taking the evidence from "boring" texts like a textbook or encyclopedia and incorporating these details, so that they are more convincing...

 "WORK" HUH!? WORK all the outsiders are making us work and they are ruining OUR LAND in return!?Taking Away OUR culture....making us pray everyday! Our knee's are sore from the endless praying!! Do you want to be working for them everyday from sunrise to sundown?! Not seeing any of your loved ones for YEARS!? Do you realize how FAR They are taking this DO YOU ENJOY THIS? Thats right....Can you IMAGINE HAVING YOUR LIFE WASTED cause all of you have been working for filthy spanish. NONE of our children will have a life that we used to have, they will have to suffer instead. And have there whole life to work. Our land was taken away and re-placed and so were the animals there cows are ruining all of the land, We cant even eat what we want, like the cows LIKE EVEN THE COWS HAVE MORE RIGHTS!!!!!

The outsiders curse (small pox)

          Do you see all the scars and bumps on your skin? Do you enjoy being tired everyday with your head sore and your forehead SO HOT!? Do you enjoy having your loved ones suffer from this CURSE?!? Thats what I thought none of you enjoy this! Do you realize how many people die everyday cause of these filthy SPANISH?!? These pieces of trash make us suffer everyday while each of them enjoy there life's, Carelessly. They treat us as if animals and not human, while they are the ones acting like trash.

-E-8 student


We've also worked on some Reader's Workshop strategies today, focusing on sharing out our thoughts as we're listening to Babysitter's Club: Logan Likes Mary-Anne, and explaining the backstory/evidence that we're using to support what we're saying!

In the scene where Logan said I decided not to join the BSC and then he said Mary Anne I have been thinking about something else. Would you go to the Remember September dance and Mary Anne said i’d love to.

 I felt a little awkward because Mary Anne looked all mad and like bruh at Logan when he said I have decided not to join the BSC I felt awkward because if I were in Mary Annes shoes I would be a little like we welcomed you and you were all excited and now you say no, and then when Logan say would you like to go to the dance with me I would be like seriously! You could have just said that. On the other hand since Mary Anne has a crush I would be like aww really this day couldn’t get any better.

 I infer Mary Anne feels like this is the best day ever. I think on the one hand she feels like a little bit like laughing through pain that Logan isn’t joining the BSC, but on the other hand she is screaming on the inside because Logan asked her to the dance.

-E-8 Student


Marrie Anne is nervous because she is asking Logan if he wants to be in the club.  She is nervous because she likes him and she doesn't want it to be very awkward.  And logan said no and he asked her if she wanted to go to the dance with him and MA, she said yes and she gets red in the face.

I would feel the same way as MA but I will never feel like that because i am a boy.  I think that marrie Anne did a really good job of not making it as awkward as she thought it would be.  To further explain she was like very nervous because she liked logan and she did not want it to be weird.

I think that marrie anne fells kind of weird because he said no to join the club but he asked her out to the dance.  To further explain I think that having pressure on your shoulders and especially when you are calling your friends it is weird

-E-8 Student


For math today, we focused on putting in the grind on Dreambox, and partake in some virtual lessons that deals with creating, adding, and subtracting fractions! And oh yes, your E-8er should be putting in 10-15 of grind time on Dreambox each day, on top of what we're doing in class! Sounds like an appropriate activity to do during 15 minutes of one's Independent Choice Time....

If you haven't noticed, we do try to do 3-4 assignments per day, mostly just 3 assignments a day, but at times, 4 assignments a day....

Today's in-class assignments were revising what we have so far in our persuasive speech (that's due this Friday), giving a summary an inference after listening to Baby-Sitters Club being read aloud, and putting in some minutes and accomplishing some assigned lessons on Dreambox (Which some students did not when given the work time).

You can use this blog to ask your E-8er, "Hey, Mr. Dinh showed me some awesome student work on his blog! I would love to see your work on your computer that you did today!"

Happy Tuesday y'all!