Friday, March 26, 2021

What We Did This Week!

 Hey Folks!

Let's see what we've been working on this week...

Reader's Workshop

In this scene, where Astrid thought she heard Nicole call out Astrid was intense. I dont know what happened next because my teacher did a cliff hanger but I guess Astrid knew it was Nicole's voice. 

I think Astrid felt upset when she heard Nicole. Because in the backstory, Nicole told Astrid that she would go to roller derby camp with Astrid but she didn't. She went with Rachel to dance camp. Astrid has every right to be mad because Rachel was really mean to Astrid in 2nd grade and even gave her a bad name. "Ass-Turd" I mean who does that? Oh I know bullies. -_-

I felt upset when Astrid said Nicole. I want Astrid to beat Nicole AND Rachel up. I hope she does. I want to hurt Rachel and Nicole. Nicole made me angry to. I didn't really like it when Rachel showed up in the book because she was all mean and all but I think the main reason Rachel came back was to steal Nicole away from Astrid. I mean Rachel does want to ruin Astrid's Life. But I think Astrid should start ignoring Nicole and Rachel and just hang out with Zoe. 

-E-8 Student


In the story cardboard kingdom, Seth's parents have been fighting and each night, Seth would be the guard and look out for his dad. One night Seth was on the lookout, without any sleep, he saw his dad drive up near his house so he could get his stuff. Seth was convincing his dad to leave cause he had to protect the house. After his dad left Seth felt good but slowly went to a happy and proud face to a regret and sad face. 

I feel like Seth felt like he regret of his decision because every single day his mom and dad have been fighting in the middle of the day. Seth said it was loud and his dad was scary. This could be a sign of divorce and I also saw a clue of a lady in the car helping Seth's dad get his stuff. That lady was saying " Are you getting your stuff or not."  Which might be his future wife. To further explain, Usually after a argument or a fight you would leave like how Seth's dad did. So was he or was he not packing so he could leave and live somewhere else? Seth's dad was moving somewhere else it said in the backstory. In the backstory, Seth's friends got some news for the animal queen, they said " Seth's dad is going." Someone that lives with you for a long time and stuck with you when you got hurt or felt sad but then one day they left, that would be very heart breaking. Seth noticed that his dad won't ever come back when he was standing on the roof trying to guard the house because he had a contrast and contradiction. He went from a proud face to a sad face, meaning he noticed something and he noticed that he won't see his dad in a long time. To further explain, the clues are Seth's dad was driving in a car, another women was sitting in that same car, the car drove off with Seth just standing there and a few minutes later he noticed the car didn't come back.

If I was in Seth's shoes I would feel really uncomfortable at this moment. My life would be so hard and difficult I couldn't stand it and would cry every single day. I won't be smiling normal because I would think I have lost someone connected to me that's was very important and without that part of the family I feel empty and heartbroken. " Come back, come back, come back." I repeat every single day and draw pictures with a frown on them. My life is turned upside down if I was in Seth's shoes and nothing will go back to normal. Then cause was, Seth's dad leaving. It was all because of him. 

-E-8 Student


         In the scene in class act where drew is talking to jordan and theyre both talking about their feelings and drew just mostly talking about why hes even being friends with liam if he might just be like his parents.

I mostly just thing that drew is over thinking to much but i also feel that he can really have no one to relate to nobody.Yes he did talk to jordan and mr Perrier  .but since his grandma is home late most of the time he cant really talk to his grandma about it that much .

I think that drew should be grateful for what he has .Like dont stop being friends liam its healty to be friends with him.

-E-8 Student


Writer's Workshop

 Phones in school!.. Phones in school!.. What is all that commotion outside? Phones at lunch!.... OH man, I think we might need to make some changes around here, including sound proof headphones for the teachers at break...In Break. In Opinion I think  kids could have phones at and should school but with a limit.

 Safer for kids walking alone

          I know that it is not that necessary having phones before 3rd and 4th grade, although, an emergency  a phone could come in handy when a kid gets into surprise trouble.  To further enoumerate, maybe three is a crazy Guy trying to get you or something when you are walking home, you could easily call you parents instead of Freaking out and crying.  That could alarm your parents and they will tell you what to do and to stay calm.  What I am trying to say is, is anything happens around the school, and you have a phone with you, it will be better to Call anybody close that you know.

-E-8 Student


You hear the sizzling sound that sounds like potato chips in the fryer. You wait patiently and then when the chef comes out with your dish you see fried crickets. You take a bite and it smells and tastes exactly like a potato chip! You take another bite and it still tastes like the yummy taste of savory crispy chips. Should we start producing bugs more? I think yes! Keep reading to find out why.

    Well one reason we should eat bugs is because bugs don’t produce much greenhouse gases. So what that means is that it's a lot healthier for our environment. To explain further cows and pigs are a lot less healthy for our environment. Bugs produce a lot less waste and it will also prevent global warming. We also have a ton of cows and if we keep eating beef then our planet keeps getting hotter and hotter 

     Another reason why we should eat bugs is because they are more affordable for poorer countries. This is important because meat can cost a lot of money and people who are poor, they can’t afford things like beef and pork. Bugs on the other hand are cheaper so more people can afford it and not break their bank. Bugs cost less because you can find them more places and they are smaller. Bugs are more affordable for countries that can no longer afford meats like beef wellington.

E-8 Student



Mr. Dinh bought the LOUDEST sound system that cost $1,525. He made equal payments over 5 months. How much did he pay each month? SHOW YOUR WORK AND ANSWER!

An easy way to do the math is to know our main numbers 5 and 1,525 and now we add the thousands wich is easy 5 add five five,hundreds and we know 2 five,hundreds are 1000 and its a uneven number of 500,s so that would be 2500 and 5 2,s  is 10 and so if it is 20 it's then 100 and for the final number 5 x 5 = 25 i skipp counted to get those numbers ecept for the thousand because we got 2 more we need to add 5 thousand plus 2 thousand that is 7 thousand 600 25

-E-8 Student


Btw / means divide

I would split 1,525 into




now i will divide

1000/5= 200



200+100= 300 + 5 = 305

-E-8 Student


1. I decomposed 1,525$ into 1,000 500 20 5$

2. Next I did 1,000$ divided by 5 and I got 200$

3.Then I decomposed 500$ into 100$

4.Next I did 20$ divided by 5 and got 4$

5.Then I spit 5 into 5 1$

6. Now that we have 200$ 100$ 4$ 5 1$ we can add it up to get 305$

Answer: 305$

-E-8 Student


-E-8 Student


Cheers, and have a great weekend y'all!