Sunday, March 7, 2021

What We Did....

 Howdy Folks,

Here's what we've been up to this past week:

Writer's Workshop

We're practicing time management skills and working on writing a paragraph essay within a 45-minute time span!

Cats...Nope to boring…...Oh yeah, one of these puppies should do fine for our family…Dogs and cats are very different but I definitely think dogs are better than cats...

Breeds and sizes

Dogs and cats are 2 most popular pets in America today, which means, there must be different breeds and sizes in order to have the right one for your family.  A dog has 400-800 different breeds which makes finding the right one for your family not that hard.  On the other hand, cats only have 70 breeds to choose from.  To emphasize, a dog will stay with you for a long time so you will have to choose if it is fine to shed, the size and if you have kids, how friendly it will be.  All cats will probably just be lazy and sleep all day.


A dog needs daily exercise, like going on walks and getting taken into the back yard.  A human will most likely be with the dog which means they will get exercise with the dog.  To further enumerate, dogs need to go on walks 1-2 times a day which is good for the dog and your body.  But, cats will go in their litter box and do not need walks which is not as much of a benefit for you.  


Rescue dogs could save humans lives if you train them well, to further explain, have you not heard of those dogs that could sniff out a person buried under snow or even sense danger like a fire.  Unlike dogs, cats will just stare at their owners or lay on the couch sleeping.  Also, from my own puppy experience, my puppy will start barking if a stranger not part of our household comes in the front yard or even just walking by.  That would help because if there was a real robbery a night Cody the puppy could start barking and wake us up or maybe even scare them away.

As you can see, in my opinion, dogs are very great pets and deserve to beat cats. ☺️☺️

-E-8 Student


Meow meow!! Have you ever thought about getting a dog? Well, maybe you should switch to wanting a cat instead because in my opinion cats are better pets than dogs listen here so I can tell you why cats are the better choice!


Instead of having to wash your dog with a bush and waste your time trying to clean it?  Well this is where cats can come in handy.  Cats can groom themselves without you having to try to clean them but instead you could just watch it groom itself and you would not even need to give it a brush!  Further explain, you could go to school or work and when you get home your cat will not come running up to you begging for a bath.  


Cats enjoy being alone and you know what?  That means they won’t need company for the whole day like dogs, plus you could just leave your cat at home so that you could go to school, work, to go outside and g- well you get the idea. Cats also are independent so if you leave your cat(s) at home they would be able to find their bowl of food and water on their own.  For example, you would not need to come home to find yourself a hungry cat.


Both cats and dogs need exercise but cats need less exercise than dogs do.  For example, you would need to take dogs out on walks and throw balls at far distances for them to get.  But cats are easier to take care of and they are less energetic than dogs.  But your cat would be happy to chase a ball in your living room.


Unlike dogs, cats don’t need training to live with people.  They don’t need to be trained not to jump on people or not to pee in the house. And you would not need to train them to lay down just to have some quiet time.  Instead you could just teach them who to fetch a ball or walk on a leash.  But these lessons are just for fun and you might not even need to teach them these lessons.  For example, you could own a cat and not even need to teach them these lessons.


Cats don’t bark loud like dogs or bark at the mail person; instead they are calm, cool and collected.  For example, night or day they don't meow super loud or chase you till you are out of breath instead they will just sleep… and sleep… and sleep.  But dogs can really mess up your mental health.  To further emphasize, dogs can bark all around your house and maybe knock something over and keep knocking things down like crazy!

And for all people reading this, this is why cats are better pets than dogs! 

-E-8 Student



The Grandmaster wants to create an E-Sport team to enter a Super Smash Brother tournament. He has chosen four individuals for his e-sport team, but needs to fund each player like getting them consoles, gear, and things like that to practice. The Grandmaster has $8,436 to split between the four individuals, but he can't figure out how to equally divide the cash-cash between the members of his E-Sport team.

  1. First, I need to decompose 8,436 in easier parts because it is faster and efficient
  2. I will decompose like this, 8,000, 400 and 36 because they could all divide by 4 without any remainders.
  3. I will now need to divide those 3 parts by 4, 8,000/4=2000, 400/4=100 and 36/4=9
  4. Since we got that over with, my last step is to add all those numbers together: 2000+100=2100, 2100+9=2109
  5. My final answer is 2109
-E-8 Student


          So, the Grandmaster has 8,436 to split for four people, 8,436 is a great big number that needs to be divided into four parts so we can get a sum of how much everybody gets. Let’s first find out, what divided by four would get us the right number. To further explain, when you do division you would have to think about multiplication, then why not we see if we split 8,436 into our first number. I’ll try 8,000 and see if it checks out. 8,000 / 4 will equal 2 because if you turn division around it would be multiplication. For example say I have 60/2 the sum would be 30 and the same goes as 30x2 and that sum would be 60. So, next we need to find our second number to divide from. How about 300, then let’s check it out! 300/4 would not equal anything even if you turn the equation around and test out multiplication. See, 4x_=300.  To further explain, when I scrolled my memory down and went to my 4’s multiplication there was nothing that equal 30. Then why not 400/4=100 because 4x4=1 and just add all the zeros. Now we have two more numbers to go!  32 and 4? Let’s test them out, 32/4 and 4/4 would both equal 8 and one from the multiplication, 2x4=8 and 8x4=32.

           Always, for me, drawing and making boxes would definitely help me tons because a visual drawing would tell me, there’s three apples left or the answer. For me I drew a box and made four separate lines for little sections. To further explain, I basitectly just cut the rectangle box I drew, into fourths. The numbers, 8,000 , 400 , 32 , and 4 were put in each of those sections of the box I sketched. Divide each number with 4 so we can add all those answers and get our real, true sum for the equation, 8,436/ 4. 4/8,000 equals 2,000 when you cover up all the zeros and then all is left is 4/8 and flipped around in multiplication is 8x4 and the easiest for me is the multiplication equation and  8x4 is 2 then put the three zeros in and 8,000/4=2,000. Now do it with the rest, 400/4= 100 flip it around 4x100=400 and so on, 32/4=8 flip it around, and 4/4=1 flip it around 1x4=4

        Add up 2,000, 100,8, and 1 together and,...2,181! ( my hands were sweating from typing and my hands hurt so much)

-E-8 Student



We're doing some research for an upcoming report on the immune system, vaccines, bacteria, and viruses!

How the White Blood Cells Attack the Invaders

           First the invaders show up in your body and then the white blood cells attack. Obviously the need to show up in your body to attack. Then the white blood cells attack. How? Lymphocyte, a white blood cell, will make antibodies and the antibodies are like handcuffs. That means they lock down the body and it stops the germ from spreading all over the place. Macrophages, another white blood cell, will show up and eat up and destroy the bacteria. The Macrophages are a big blood cell that "eat up" all of the bacteria.

-E-8 Student


White Blood Cells

The bacteria also known as invaders show up in your body

White Blood cells have to fight the bacteria which the Lymphocyte, a white blood cell, will make antibodies that’ll lock down the germy germ and is kinda like glue. It’s almost like war, when the white blood cells fight off the germs and the antibodies catch the germs and secure them down.

Macrowfagous ,  andither another blood cell, will help out and destroy or defeat the already trapped bacteria. 

How the warrior protectors, white blood cells, destroy the invaders

 The bacteria also known as invaders show up in your body first, but the 

White Blood cells have to fight the bacteria which the Lymphocyte, a white blood cell, will make antibodies that’ll lock down the gnarly germ and is kinda like glue. It’s almost like war, when the white blood cells fight off the germs and the antibodies catch the germs and secure them down.

 Lastly the Macrowfagous, andither another blood cell, will help out and destroy or defeat the already trapped bacteria

-E-8 Student


Reader's Workshop

In the scene where ballister said “what if a cut of your arms then you would see how fast the institution  would cast you aside as they did me.”  my thoughts were dang and I thought that ballister was the villain but no. well actually he is the villain but he isn’t a sore loser like sir “golden”lion. I also thought that sir “golden”lion was supposed to be a “hero” but he is just as bad as ballister in my opinion.

I think ballister is thinking like when “golden”lion said “you’ve never been better than me” I think ballister is thinking yeah your right I was never better than you, I was always way better than you. To further explain later he is just sad when he comes home  and I think it is not sadness as in like he just lost puppy sad, I think it is he is sad b/c “golden”lion  brags when he isn’t better and he doesn’t have any sense of admitting his “mistake.”

I would also feel that way if i was ballister b/c “golden”lion used to be my friend and now he is my fatal enemy and he just bragged he was better when he just lost big time. Not to mention i literally punched him in the face and he still didn’t admit he was wrong WHEN NOBODY ELSE WAS AROUND! So yeah I would be outraged but also sad and I know that those don’t go together but still.

-E-8 Student


In this scene, blackheart is talking with Goldenloin and then got into a fight. Then blackheart is thinking about cutting of Goldenloin‘s arm but he refuses.

blackheart is mad because in the backstory Goldenloin “accidentally” blew up blackheart’s arm and Goldenloin still doesn’t admit it.

If i were in Goldenloin‘s shoes, i would just admit it and say “i sorry would you forgive me” and become friends again or let him cut off my arm and get a cool robot arm.(would NOT do that in real life but in my imagination :) )

E-8 Student


In this scene, The BSC and especially Stacey, was mad at Claudia. They were so mad that they thought of a rude plan to eat all of Claudia's candy and treats.  

Stacey is furious at Claudia because she asked her best friend out, and Claudia basically "lied" because she said that she need to work in the library. But when Ashely asked her to go, she went anyway. That makes Stacey think that Claudia's new friend was more important than her. Then that's why she lied. She said she has to work but actually she went out with Ashely. She didn't mean to, but Stacey is correct that she was lying.

If I were in Stacey's shoes, I would feel the same about how mad at her, but I wouldn't come up with the jerky plan to eat all of my best friend's candy. But in real life my second best friend ate my candy before when I was doing some work and one day I caught her. I was mad at her but I didn't steal her candy back or anything. I told her stop taking my candy and if she asks me I would give some to her. So if I were in Stacey's shoes, I would also try to calm down instead of doing something bad back.

E-8 student


In this scene, after eating almost all of Claudia’s snacks and messing her room up, they baby sitters club stopped and thought for a second and noticed that maybe, just maybe Ashley was using Claudia for an art project. And Stacey wonders if how good of a friend Ashley really is.

         I feel like Stacey feels like she finally knows, she finally knows that Claudia wasn’t actually dumping her and not going to the mall with her.Claudia was being used in a sort of way for a art project which’s making me think that Ashley might be a mad artist. Every Single day, there would be Ashley standing in Claudia's way. Preventing her from doing her homework, making her think baby sitting is just a silly game, tricking her that art is the most important thing in the world, and lastly preventing her from getting to her meetings and skipping, now three baby sitters club meetings. But that’s not it, Ashley has been the reason she didn’t show up and Claudia was been absent for the same reasons, art

         If I was in Stacey’s shoes I would feel like to show up at Ashley’s house and talk to her, fiercely and step on her feet like she’s nobody’s business. Claudia is my best friend and I like her, not because of her fashion, it’s because she’s Claudia. So back off Ashley and scram because she’s my best friend and if you, Ashley ever had a friend you would use them for the wrong ways!

E-8 Student


Cheers y'all, and have enjoy the rest of your weekend!