Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Getting Down With That Multiplication!

Multiplication. A pillar of mathematics. Today, we began practicing our multiplication skills by analyzing words problem, decomposing the problem into manageable pieces, and then solving the problem by utilizing cubes, pictures, and/or arrays! We also quickly discussed the commutative property, and began to understand that "flipping" the factors will yield the same product no matter what!

Thanks for reading folks! Cheers!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Magnificent Mondays

Happy Monday Folks!

We started the day out analyzing an adult's unexpected behavior at a bookstore, and then discussed solutions that she could've utilized to make the situation better (a.k.a. how she could've respected people and their time a bit better).

Eventually we came to the conclusion that we really needed practice self control and composure especially during situation that don't go our way, so that meltdowns don't happen like this when we're adults. This behavior in the video is unexpected. It's shocking. And it's the opposite of positive social behavior. Let's make strides to be better than this:)

We then moved onto reading, and were introduced to another signpost!

We then read Rainbow Fish, and Noticed if there were any tough questions a character had to ask him or herself! Once we found tough questions, we asked ourselves: "What does the question make me wonder about?"

During math today, we went back and practiced, either interactive games or through a small group, rounding numbers to the closest tens!

We also continued to work on our writing stamina during Writer's Workshop!

After lunch, we discussed what goes in a VIP presentation. We also discussed homework procedures, and having PE rotations with other third grade teachers! And that's Monday for ya! Cheers, and have an excellent Monday evening!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Fantastic Friday!

Howdy Folks,

We had a most excellent Friday, as we got down with a little bit of math, a little bit of reading, and a lot of practice on positive social behavior!

We been working on our keyword strategy during me bag presentations. We would listen in on the presenter share his/her item, and while listening, we would jot down any keywords that will help us retain and recall information that was presented to us. We also utilized the turn & talk strategy to verbally share out the information, using our keywords!

During Me Bag presentations, we also discussed some ways to prep a speech or presentation. We noticed that some students wrote out his or her entire speech, and that's one way to have a speech prepared. We also noticed another method to prep a speech, and that's to have a small handful of keywords that will help us recall important information, from the top of her head, that we need to present to an audience!

Various ways to prep a speech!

During math block, we worked on grounding three digit numbers to the nearest ten! Since rounding numbers is a new concept for many of us third-graders, we will require a few more math sessions to practice strategies for this concept! Some things that we need to keep in mind when rounding numbers to the closest ten, is to consider which tens is number in between, and which ten is the number closer to? During this math session, to help us determine the tens that number is closer to, we utilize the number line as a tool to help us find the answer!

By the way, look for an e-mail, real soon, with interactive games dealing with rounding!

Throughout the day, we listened in during read alouds, and noticed & noted any Contrasts and Contradictions as well as any A-Ha Moments! We then used these particular signpost to to share our inferences about Horrible Harry and Roald Dahl, with a turn & talk partner!

Do you notice any signposts, and can you make an inference with the signpost?

And of course, we had Pokemon Friday! Pokemon Friday is fun and all, but it also is a chance to work on our positive social behaviors (like dealing with disappointment when someone doesn't want to trade, or setting up a trade that is fair for both sides, or compromising in order to get the card that you want!)

Cheers y'all, and have a nice weekend!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Some Thinking on Thursday!

Howdy Folks!

Today we continued to work on our writing stamina pushing ourselves to write another story, after we've completed our current one!

For math today, we practiced computer procedures! We practiced logging onto our Google Drive accounts, how to switch back and forth from tab to tab, and then accessing documents on our Drive account! After playing some interactive games that dealt with placing numbers on a number line,  sequencing numbers, and comparing numbers, we worked on logging out of our accounts, and shutting down our laptops! Utilizing a laptop might see like second nature to you and me, but to third graders, it's a brand new frontier that requires step-by-step directions, and A LOT of practice!

We also spent a portion of the school day practicing our collaboration skills in order to come up with a set of agreed-upon rules/procedures for Pokemon Friday tomorrow!

We continued to work on the keyword strategy today, using the strategy to recall information, and recording the information in our own words!


And that's the get down folks! Cheers, and have a good one!