Monday, August 29, 2016

Magnificent Mondays

Happy Monday Folks!

We started the day out analyzing an adult's unexpected behavior at a bookstore, and then discussed solutions that she could've utilized to make the situation better (a.k.a. how she could've respected people and their time a bit better).

Eventually we came to the conclusion that we really needed practice self control and composure especially during situation that don't go our way, so that meltdowns don't happen like this when we're adults. This behavior in the video is unexpected. It's shocking. And it's the opposite of positive social behavior. Let's make strides to be better than this:)

We then moved onto reading, and were introduced to another signpost!

We then read Rainbow Fish, and Noticed if there were any tough questions a character had to ask him or herself! Once we found tough questions, we asked ourselves: "What does the question make me wonder about?"

During math today, we went back and practiced, either interactive games or through a small group, rounding numbers to the closest tens!

We also continued to work on our writing stamina during Writer's Workshop!

After lunch, we discussed what goes in a VIP presentation. We also discussed homework procedures, and having PE rotations with other third grade teachers! And that's Monday for ya! Cheers, and have an excellent Monday evening!