Friday, August 19, 2016

Funday Friday!

Happy Friday Folks!

We started this grand day out with a life lesson: It's okay to be different. We discussed how being different is awesome, whether it be dressing differently, liking a different sports team, coming from a different culture, or whether it be the color of your eyes or skin being different than others. It was also explained that though being different is pretty awesome, others might not understand or accept your differences. They might question you or even make disparaging comments. I further clarified to the students that in those situations, one would need have perseverance, bravery, and to be calm & collected, in order to explain to those not-in-the-know how great it is to different. Don't be afraid, express yourself! And if they still don't listen? Well, just ignore the hate. You see, being different requires a person to deal with these unsavory situations quite often, but in doing so, "grit" and tenacity is acquired, and you need that to get through life. Like I said, being different is awesome. Our current president knows it. Steve Jobs knew it. Andy Warhol knew it. Being different causes change, and change causes progression.

We then segued into reading! We focused on the signpost A-Ha Moments! We utilized the story What Do You Do With An Idea?, which contained the aforementioned lesson of It's okay to be different, to practice locating and making an inference with this signpost!

Many of us were super-stoked to start Writer's Workshop today! We first listened to a mini lesson on how to generate story ideas when you run out of steam:

We also brought up the topic of goals to focus on during Writer's Workshop:

Then we started to write, write, write!

We listened to a handful of Me Bag presentations today, and while doing so we practiced the keyword strategy! Here's how the Keyword Strategy works:

Keyword: any important word or phrase that will help you recall/retell information 

  1. Read a portion of the text, and as you read, jot down any keywords
  2. Without looking at the text, share out, verbally, the information you learned by using the keywords you jotted down to help you recall.
  3. After sharing out the info verbally, record, with a writing utensil, the info you just shared.
We applied this strategy to a bunch of those presentations today!

And that's Friday for ya! Cheers, and have an excellent weekend!