Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Awesome Day at School!

Howdy Folks!

It was a pretty awesome day at school! We went through a slew of procedures and expectations, as well as discussed privileges and consequences! I explained to the students that this year, we're really going to push ourselves to work on positive social behavior & etiquette (a.k.a life skills). In my class, I decided to simplify the P.R.I.D.E expectations into three simple expectations:

  • people
  • property
  • learning time
Pretty easy to follow right? You'd be surprised. But that's why we're working on these skills now, rather than later, so that these students can grow up to be competent adults ready to take on the real world.

We also got some learning time in too! I read a small moment to the students, and then I asked them write a small moment of their own.  After an analysis, this pre-assessment will help me coach each student on how to improve their "narrative-writing game."

We also got a chance to delve into Notice and Note during our read-alouds throughout the day! Notice and Note are a set of close reading strategies that assist students in making meaning of a fictional text at a much deeper level. They notice what are called signposts throughout stories and make inferences based on those signposts. Our first signpost that we learned is called contrast & contradictions!

 That sums up the day folks! Cheers, and have a good one!