Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Taco Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday y'all!

Let's see what we've been working on for the past couple of days:


We've been listening to read aloud containing small moments, and while listening to the story, we're practicing noticing signposts that come up, such as A-Ha Moments and Contrasts &Contradictions! After finding a signpost, we make an inference, using the signpost as our basis of evidence! Our social objective during reading is utilize the turn & talk procedure to share our thoughts to a peer! Ask us about turn & talk, and we'll show you how to do it!


We've been thinking of small moments that have happened to us and writing those small moments down, with chalk full of juicy details of course! We've also been practicing two strategies (so far) that will help us generate ideas to write on when we've run out of them! We've also been working on our writing stamina by respecting the learning time given to us to focus on our stories. We figured out that once we're done, we've only just begun! Once we finish a story, we always begin another! So overall, we've been writing like gangbusters!


We've been practicing representing three digit numbers in various ways and with the support of base-10 blocks and numeral "expanders." We've also been working on our collaboration skills, honing our effort in an activity that requires other students, as well as working on how to disagree respectfully.

And that's the getdown folks! Cheers, and have a good one!