Friday, August 31, 2018

Friday Afternoon Post (August 31, 2018)

Howdy Folks!


This week we’ve been focusing in on multiplication strategies! We worked on doubling numbers beyond the range of basic number facts, as well as used a range of strategies that include splitting the numbers into tens and ones, using a known fact, or treating the number as a whole quantity. Booyah!

We also reviewed doubling strategies to multiply by four or eight. We utilized diagrams that show the associative property of multiplication to model the strategy.

We then extended the doubles strategies to multiply two-digit factors by four or eight (for example, 97 x 8)! Yea, buddy!

Reader's Workshop

One of our main focus this week was to work on reading intensely so that we may improve our reading stamina, but to also work on the skill of stop in the middle of our reading to retell/summarize in order to synthesize (combing previous parts in the story thus far to comprehend and form opinion/conclusions/ideas/connections with the current chapter)

Writing down her summary of the chapter before she shares out!

We also discussed how to know when a new book that we're hoping to enjoy might be too challenging:
Writer's Workshop

This week for writing, we used a think-on-the-page strategy to brainstorm the inner and outer traits of our main character. This strategy can be used before writing a story (which is probably the best time to use this, as the story hasn't been written yet!), but one can also use this in the middle of writing a story, or when the first draft of the story is done, and needs revision. So...this is less on planning what will happen in the story, and more on bringing to life the characters who will make things happen in the story. 

We had a long math assessment near the end of the week, but managed to power through it with the best of our abilities!

But we chilled out afterwards by listening to a handful of student council speeches, partook in Pokemon Friday, and hung out with our kinder buddies!

And that's a wrap folks! Cheers, and have a good one!