Friday, August 24, 2018

Friday Afternoon Post (August 24, 2018)

Happy Friday Y’all

Today we focused on practicing our non-fiction reading skills, and through collaboration and discussion, determined the main idea and details of a Social Studies article!

During Writer’s Workshop today we read a few examples of small moments, and focused on the descriptive details that the author used to bring his narrative to life! We took a page from this author, Roald Dahl, and tried to make our small moments come to life by adding descriptive details that show feelings, thoughts, and emotions, as well as adding some dialogue!

For reader’s workshop, we discussed the importance of including details from the text as a way to support our ideas, inferences, and answers.

And of course, we had Pokémon Friday!

And that's a wrap folks! Cheers, and have a good one!