Saturday, August 11, 2018

Saturday Morning Post (August 11, 2018)

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Mr. Dinh!

Howdy y'all! I'm stoked about the 2018-2019 school year! My name is Andrew Dinh, and if you're reading this, it's most likely that you're going to be in my classroom, or you're a parent, and you're keen on knowing more about me!

What's my reason for teaching? Simply put, my objective is to provide students with a safe and positive learning environment, in which we'll be practicing the skills of :
  • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
  • Creative Thinking Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Collaboration Skills
  • Global Citizenship (a.k.a. Empathy and Perspective Taking)
Here's a little more a little bit about myself:
  • I went to San Jose State (repping the blue and gold!) for my undergrad (B.A. in English) and teaching credential.
There's me in the back with the glasses!
  • I have a super-phresh family! My wife, Molly, is also an educator, and my daughter Maisie just turned two this past July! Booyah!
At the Women's March!

  • Hobbies that I have? Hmmm...
    • I love to run (done a bunch of half-marathons and one whole marathon)! Running allows me to eat all sorts of food that I love! By the way, I'm also a foodie! I love food from all corners of the world, and am willing to try anything out!
About to go on jog with the fam!
Doing Bay-to-Breakers for the umpteenth time with my cousins!
This was right before my father-in-law, his girlfriend, and I tackled a 26-miler!
    • I love sneakers (ever since Jordan was on the court trying for his six rings!)
Maisie's trying on some LeBron 15s

The shoe wall.
    • I love comics and reading (I learned how to read thanks to the X-Men, Spider-Man, and the Justice League!)
    • I love binge watching a wide variety of shows! Since having Maisie, our movie-watching has declined because going to a theater with a two-year old can...challenging. So Molly and I usually relegate our screen time to watching shows like Game of Thrones, West World, Orange is the New Black, etc. Of course, you can't forget the oldies The Office, Parks and Rec, The Wire, Full House, Family Matters etc. Like I said, I LOVE binge watching!

    • I LOVE music! I listen to a lot of different sounds, genres, and artists. I guess that makes my musical taste eclectic. Here's a sample:

And that's a wrap up folks! Cheers to an awesome school year!