Monday, August 20, 2018

Monday Afternoon Post! (August 20, 2018)

Howdy Folks!

Just wanted to let you folks in on what we worked on today!

Today we did some Reader’s Workshop and practiced some close reading skills! We read part of Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress, and noticed & noted a Contrast and Contradiction in the book! We discussed it, and recorded it down in our notebooks. We'll be continuing with our discussion on the themes of identity and the acceptance of others who are different than we are tomorrow, as we wrap up this book, and move on to the next, in order to practice more close reading skills!

In math today, we worked in collaborative groups and practiced composing five-digit numbers in a variety of ways. We then worked our way up to composing six-digit numbers using various tools (abacus, expander, etc.) and in various ways (e.g words and numerals)

We also spent some time discussing expected behavior vs. unexpected behaviors in the classroom, and how they tie in with our class expectations (Respect people, time, and property), with P.R.I.D.E, and with social norms and expectations! Gotta work on those life skills, you know?

And that's a wrap-up folks! Cheers, and have a good one!