Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wednesday Evening Post (August 22, 2018)

Howdy Folks!

Let's see what we worked on today....

Today for Reader’s Workshop, we read Too Many Tamales and practiced Noticing and Noting the signpost, A-ha Moment, and then making an inference using that signpost! We focused on including details from the text as a way to explain and “prove” our inference.

Today for math, we practiced saying 5- and 6-digit numbers, as well explore ways to record 5- and 6-digit numbers using expanded form! We also brought up how parenthesis in math makes it more clear for us to know which operations to solve first in the equation!

For Writer’s Workshop today, we collected ideas for realistic fiction stories by paying attention  to the small moments that we’re writing about!

And that's a wrap folks! Cheers!