Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Hazy Wednesday!

Happy middle of-the-week Folks!

We started the day off actively listening to a presentation being given, and as we were listening, we took down keywords that will help us recall the information given. We then utilized the keywords to record a summary of what was presented!

We then moved onto reading, and continued to make inferences with the signposts that we've found while reading Matilda! Today we put on our detective's/ lawyer's cap to make sure that the clues we've found throughout the text does support our inference, as well as making sure that our signpost, our inference, our own personal knowledge, and those clues link and connect with one another!

For math today, we quickly discussed how to use the 10s multiplication facts to figure out the 9s multiplication facts! We'll be coming back to the strategy later on in the school year, but can you figure out this awesome strategy?

We also practiced utilizing the add-on/counting-on strategy to find the difference!

We had indoor recesses today as the air quality has been compromised by Loma Prieta wildfire!

And that's a wrap up folks! Cheers, and have a good one!

Chillin' with the homies!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Heat Wave Mondays!

Happy Monday Folks!

We started the day out discussing how to utilize the decomposing strategy and the number line (as a tool) to figure the total amount of three Pokemon purebreds we want as pets!

Afterwards we got into book clubs and continued to locate those signposts! Once we have located the signpost, we make an inference, and provide clues in the book to support our inference!

Sharing our inferences by turning and talking!

During Writer's Workshop today, we talked about adding sensory details to a story we've already written or adding sensory details to stories we are currently writing!

And that's a wrap-up folks! Cheers, and have a good one!