Thursday, September 8, 2016

Terrific Thursday!

Howdy folks!

Yesterday, we made meaning of the keyword adaptation before heading to Mrs Seachrist's Science Lab and learning about the relationship between heredity and adaptations!

Testing each bird "beak" to see which has adapted to crack seeds!

That segued into today's reading lesson that had the students practicing using the 3-keyword strategy to summarize and make meaning of an article that's about a certain bug's adaptations that are negatively affecting crops! We read through the article once (to get an understanding), then reread the 2nd paragraph, boxed/highlighted any keywords, used those keywords to orally summarize the paragraph with a peer, and then finally, we record our summary!

We then segued into utilizing the Achieve 3000 program to reinforce our understanding of this article about stink bugs affecting crops! By the way, Achieve 3000's mission is to "provides nonfiction content that supports core curriculum, Response to Intervention, English language learning, special education, adult learning, workforce readiness, and other instructional models. Featuring comprehensive support and extra scaffolding for struggling readers, these are aligned with the Common Core State Standards for English language arts as well as state standards for literacy and the content areas. Achieve3000 supports 21st century education initiatives across content areas and is helping to put all students on the road to College and Career Readiness."Yes it's a very comprehensive program, and yes, it's a huge learning curve to get through the five step routine, but the more we practice, the better we'll get at it!

Over the past couple of days, we been practicing and understanding the relationship between the 5s and 10s multiplication facts. We been using arrays, pictures, and equations to make meaning, as well as turning and talking to share our expertise! Today we also began the procedure of peer-to-peer corrections, and it looks like we're off to a good start. It just seems that we are more attentive when we discuss our process and solutions, as opposed to having a teacher come up to the front and boringly yap the answers out!

As experts, we also prepped notes to explain to an adult what an array is, and how to use an array to solve a multiplication equation!

And that's a wrap up folks! Cheers, and have a good one!