Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tuna Surprise Tuesday!

We started the day out practicing Read-To-Self, which is a time in the day where we read on our own (or with a partner), and afterward, we share out any connections or analysis we made as we were reading! Today, we just focused solely on the reading aspect, checking to see if we could work on our reading stamina, and read on our own for a whole 15 minutes!

In Mr. Volkar's class, we been practicing our use of ostinato, tones, and singing with vigor!

We also practiced expected behaviors during presentations, as well as practiced the keyword strategy to take down information! We also practiced our listening skills by explaining to a peer one thing we learned during the presentation, as well as provide a questions that we might ask the presenter.

We then prepared math notes for our homework tonight; As experts, we prepped a short document that will help us explain, to an adult, what the commutative property is. We also provided a pictorial example as well as equation examples for clarity. We then worked our on communication skills, by practicing our our explanations with a peer, so that we're ready for tonight!

Collaborating and adding on to notes!

And near the end of the day, we discussed using a storyteller's voice as opposed to using a reporters voice. If we write our small moments with a story teller's voice, the details and dialogue that we've used will help the reader make a mental movie of what it is we're writing about, and that's what we want!

And that's a wrap-up folks! Cheers, and have a good one!