Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wednesday Afternoon Post (September 27, 2017)

Howdy Folks!

This is what we've been working on for the last few days!

We continued to use the keyword strategy to takes notes on California land forms and regions! Afterward, we typed up our notes and revised them!

We're also continuing to practice making strong inferences while reading Wonder, and making sure to support our inferences with clues/evidence from the text!


We took an assessment that dealt with the standard algorithm for addition, and the halving strategy for fives multiplication problem!!

For math, we practiced using the tens facts to solve problems dealing with the fives multiplication facts!

And we also discussed how to use the 10s facts to solve for our 9s multiplication facts!

Today, we used our understanding of place value to help compare and order six-digit numbers!

Writer's Workshop

During Writer's Workshop, we discussed and used strategies for writing strong leads to engage our readers! We tried out a few of these lead strategies in our own writing!

We also had Pokemon Wednesday, since we didn't have Pokemon Friday last week!

And we had Science Lab with Mrs. Seachritst and learned about ecosystems!

Click for a video on ecosystems!

We had library today as well!

And that's a wrap folks! Cheers, and have a good one!