Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wednesday Afternoon Post (September 20, 2017)

Howdy Folks!

In Writer's Workshop we have been working on adding details that show thoughts and/or feelings in order to developed our story so that it is more engaging for our readers! We're also attempting to put dialogue in our writing; people talk in real life, and our realistic fiction pieces should mimic that! We're also trying out different endings for our fictional stories by writing how how our character feel after facing challenges and struggles our story! On top of all of this, we discussed how stories needed a climax (an intense or important point int he story) in order to engage the readers, and that our character's struggles might elicit that climax!

In math, we practice halving 3-digit numbers by using base-10 blocks to clarify our thinking! We've also been utilizing the CUBES strategy to clarify, analyze, and solve word problems!

For reading, we had Book Clubs, and as we read Wonder, we had discussions, in collaborative groups, about the inferences and connections that we've made while reading! After discussing in our groups, we wrote down our inferences and made sure that our clues/evidence that supported our inference were valid! During Read to Self, we've also have been practice making inferences as we are reading, using the signposts!

We also had PE with Ms. Edgar,

And we had music with Mr. Volkar,

And that's a wrap folks! Cheers, and have a good one!