Friday, September 15, 2017

Friday Afternoon Post (September 15, 2017)

Hi there Folks!

Here's the getdown on what we've been working on the past couple of days:


We're still working on making inferences and supporting our inferences with evidence from the text that we're reading!

We're also continuing to practicing the keyword strategy to research and take notes, and then taking those notes and typing them out into paragraphs!


We've been practicing revising our stories by identifying one character trait that's important to our stories and figuring out how to include and strengthen that trait in our revisions!

On the non-fiction side of things, we've been reciting what we've been typing to edit and to revise (by adding linking words/phrases that make sense!)

We also learned and practiced using two idioms in our writing: achilles' heel and kryptonite. Ask your child the meaning behind these idioms!


We've been practicing using the structure of the addition algorithm to add into hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands! On top of that, we are continuing to hone our precision when solving these addition problems, making sure that we line up our numbers by place value, and double checking out work before turning in!

We're also combining the decomposing strategy and the zero rule to practice solving double-digit multiplication problems!

We had kinder buddies today, and before we socialized with them, we got a chance to listen to their small moments that they've been writing during Writer's Workshop! We helped them revise their stories for clarity, and then we got a chance to read our own stories to our buddies!

And that's a wrap folks! Cheers, and have an excellent weekend!

Enjoying a meatball for the first time!